
#FaithNaija: God’s delay is not his denial (TESTIMONY)

by Rachel Ogbu


Whenever we are going through any tough situation in life, the bible reminds you that God’s delay is not his denial. The bible tells us to hold on to his promises and he’ll always come true for us.

Especially young people who are out of jobs or believing God for a breakthrough, it is important to know that God doesn’t work like a fast food restaurant. Isaiah 30:18 promises “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for him!”

Read this inspiring miracle story and start praying today:

I have been unemployed for most months of 2010. At first, it was by choice that I left my job, then after entering the workforce again in only 2 months, our office closed and I found myself out of work again.

By this time, my husband and I were concerned that should my situation continue, our future can end in uncertainty. I’ve always prayed to God although admittedly, not regularly, but when the time came for me to start my job search, I started my novenas and daily rosaries.

After a few job rejections, I started feeling downhearted. I continued to pray but doubt started to creep in that I only got interviewed but never got hired. I became frustrated and  thought that God won’t answer me.

Around noon one day, I started to prepare for an interview scheduled in the afternoon. That morning, I attended an interview and although it went well, I expected that I would get rejected as I had always been.  Feeling “down-spirited”,  I prayed to God to guide me as I go on another  interview.

I said that I will persevere in the job search but if He would be so merciful to answer my prayer for my husband’s sake as he is more worried than me about my situation. My words were: “God, please end my husband’s suffering.”

I then opened my Bible at random and it opened at Isaiah 62 “God’s spirit is in my heart.” It spoke of God’s good news to the oppressed. The reading renewed my spirit and thanked Him for inspiring me as I go into another interview.

Not 5 minutes later, I received a call from the person who interviewed me in the morning and offered me the job. I immediately called my mother who told me she was praying a novena to St. Pancratius for intercession in my job search and that it worked for 2 other people before me. St. Pancratius is the patron saint of the unemployed and the youth.

I just want to say that God does answer our prayers and His delay is not His denial. I hope other people get to read this especially those in the same situation as myself and renew their hope and always remember that God and His Saints are here for us. Praises and thanks to God who never loses faith in us.


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