Stop disgracing Igbo girls! – Blogger writes letter to Cossy Orjiakor & Tonto Dikeh

by Akan Ido

A blogger, Ngozi Kanwiro ( has called for the ban of Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh and singer, Cossy Orjiakor for what she described as their ugly and dirty lifestyle.

According to the blogger, “You two may be thinking that you are on top of the game, but you are only causing yourselves more harm than good.”

She went onto urge them to turn a new leaf or face the spiritual consequences. No, we’re not kidding. Please find the open letter below:

The unscrupulous lifestyles of Igbo NOLLYWOOD Actresses, Cossy Orjiakor and Tonto Dikeh are just becoming too unbearable.

This duo has ignorantly and intentionally refused to stop their no-longer interesting/entertaining lifestyles that are now tarnishing the image of the Igbo female group as a whole.

It is so disheartening how Cossy has continued to tarnish the image of our Igbo sisters through her dirty lifestyles that now give all Nigerians the impression that Igbo ladies are all prostitutes using their bodies to climb to the ladder of fame in all works of life, whereas in reality, it is not true, rather it is being practiced by few unscrupulous Igbo girls who have nothing else to offer to the Nigerian society aside exposing their God-given feminine physique in sexual-appealing manner to gain popularity, and by giving out their supposed holy-bodies to men (married and single) so long as he can pay the price.

Please Cossy and Tonto, Nigerians and most importantly, Ndigbo are no longer finding your ugly, dirty lifestyles funny, please you girls should turn a new leaf this new year and embrace God in your lives for your own good. You two maybe thinking that you are on top of the game, but you are only causing yourselves more harm than good, and if you ladies refuse to change for better, you will surely reap a negative fruit in future to come.

Finally, I am using this medium with other mediums to follow, to call on the Ohanaeze Ndigbo society to please write personally to Cossy Orjiakor and Tonto Dikeh to change their lifestyles as soon as possible, and if they fail or pay deaf ear, then the Ohanaeze Ndigbo should write to NOLLYWOOD, PMAN, Nigeria Censorship Agency, and every other entertainment industry in Nigeria through the major national dailies in Nigeria, to ban them from participating in Nigerian entertainment industries of any kind.

This is so sad because they are no longer entertaining Nigerians but rather teaching the upcoming Nigeria youths bad moral conducts.

Just see the unimaginable picture an African woman of Igbo origin posted publicly online in the name of entertaining her so-called fans. Yes, such rubbish can be done in the west, this is Africa, Nigeria and this also goes beyond to tarnishing the name of Igbo tribe. Spread this message as fast as you can. Thanks.

Ndigbo, over to you.

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  1. don't mention Tonto dikeh's name here cos i have not seen any pic of her naked in public

  2. As for tonto,I have not seen anything bad with her

  3. No be by force if them wanna be working girls eh na their pussies nah. They aint the only asshaawos in naija abeg! Genefhuckinve has the crown so is rita dominic and uche old mama. Abegi jare make we hear word as we have now accepted these women as they are!

  4. what is ur fcuking buisness..the entire nollysheit had become a sodom angd gomorrah b4 the duo joined..may i remind u that d lik of gennyfcukinvive was at this game so after she was born and continued to use it climb to d top…but yeh u pple hav 4gotten so fast bcos it looks lik she has taken an early retirement by hiding some of her sex scapeds..anyway the politican..the head of state , the vices and so on patronises them so let the ash*w*ing continues

  5. This s****d woman should shut up and let people be. Is tonto and cossy the worse girls in igbo land? What about all the igbo girls prostituting in lagos , abuja, onitisha etc?

    What has ohaneze ndigbo done abt it?

    Just shut up and mind your family. You think it is easy to raise children?

    Ok, raise ur own kids, let us see how angelic they will be.

    Let tonto and cossy be. Live ur life and let them live their.

    'Biri kam biri. O'gini

  6. I think the blogger is free to express her opinion. there has got to be a point in time when society faces up to its task like in the old days.we should please stop this attitude of let everyone live their life like they want.whether you like it or not the actions of just ONE person could destroy the fate of a whole society! Society (especially youths) should start checking illicit acts and encouraging the good ones.that's how we would make a better Society for our children.

  7. Do not judge, so that you will not be judged. If you see anything that is not good in the lifestyle of anyone, pray to God to help that person. This is because, he or she may be acting under the influence of something. Pray for them my dear good people.

  8. Your letter shows that you are not doing the work of God either the work of Government but trying to use them to showcase yourself which is very wrong. God did not send you to warn rather to preach and pray for them. This is hypocrisy

  9. While I ve nofin much 2 say just that they re not the first n last igbo girls doin sumfin like dis.I believe all of u re dsame.

  10. Pls point of correction here, Cossy Ojiakor &Tonto Dike's stupidity is not the an issue of tribe rather they are exhibiting their upbrining & thereby disgracing their families & womanhood. If it should be a tribe issue, Tonto Dike is not an Igbo lady.

  11. U know we r living in a free world every1 does wot pleases he or she , i tnk u shud let dem do wot their heart pleases. U knw it is like depriving dem of there own fundamental right, It is wot u sow u ll" sure reap.

  12. Who told her Tonto Dike is an Igbo person??? She should find out her facts well before posting rubbish!

  13. Honey before you post something like this for the whole world to see, please give it to someone competent to proofread. The grammatical errors here (yes, not typos) really distract from your message. And I really think how they live their lives is their busines and that of their creator's, don't you? It's just unfortunate that they are of the same ethnic group as you.

  14. Why is this person complaining. I think its too late. The Igbo tribe scores first in things like these. I'm not saying other tribes are not guilty but Igbo blaze the trail when it comes to things like prosptitution, Armed robbery and other vices. This is female prostitution that's being condemned here. there are so many Igbo men that are gigolos, dating older women and boasting about it. One of them is a popular Actor, he dated a former senator of the federal republic who is old enuf to be his mum. So what are we talking about.

  15. Freedom of speech and expression. Abi? But there's some grain of truth in this. My only contribution is however you live your life is really no one's business so long as you are willing to bear the consequences. It's their choice and they are free to live their lives as they see fit just as this blogger is free to express her displeasure.

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