
Adenike Fagbemi: ‘Some days are cool, others are super terrible; that’s the beauty of life in itself’

We wanted to know how it all began, the experiences, the ups, the downs, and the…ermmm. If you knew Adenike, then you know a hardworking Mediapreneur. The one who wouldn’t sit at the back to stretch her head to see what’s up in front.

An untold journey?

I can’t but be in the front, running things.” She says her “journey thus far hasn’t been so much in line with my predictions. Some days are cool, other days are super terrible and I believe that’s the beauty of life in itself.”

Like…why wouldn’t you have a balance? Sharing is a principle for Adenike. Share is not just a word, it is a call to serve and we must obey.” She also loves “to take every task, challenge and opportunity one day at a time.” 

The K element

Constant. Yeah, that’s the word. How does she do it? How does she adjust to change? She says…I choose to be Intentional when change sets in. I am extremely calculative and choose a more productive part.” That’s not all:

“My principle is to expect worse. This has helped sharpen my thoughts about life and what to expect. When embarking on a project or job, I prepare myself for the worse. I ask myself ‘silly’ questions like – ‘what if this client backs out after all effort, time, finance and manpower have been invested?’ Oh then, I prepare myself for eventualities.”

Then she goes, “change is constant, hence, readiness for change is necessary!”

We wanted to know how Adenike learns

“Life Experiences, others experiences, movies, the word of God is a practical Guide amongst others.”

Leaving a legacy

How do you want to be remembered? Have you ever asked yourself that? Well, we asked her and she puts it simply, That Lady that never gave up! That Lady that made Loving Her easy!”

How about doing something else? 

We all, most likely, have that one other thing we would have loved to do. Sometimes we do these things as mere hobbies. Some other times as a side hustle. For Adenike, it’s to be a lawyer. I still think I can someday. We have people going back to school even in their 50s, so I wish I could be a lawyer.” 

The unknown

“I am a drama Queen. Sometimes I am cold, other days I could be HOT. I think I will do well being an Actor… #winks.

“I love to sleep! I could emerge a Winner for a Sleeping competition. Unfortunately, I don’t get to have the luxury of time to sleep these days.

“I love ponmo (the type that has soaked itself inside egusi soup). I think I am very romantic even when I choose not to accept. I do things and I am like oh, so you can?

“I love Heels. The first and last time I had makeup on was my wedding and I didn’t like myself because I do NOT like to make up at all.”

Read this:

“I really wish I can solve everyone’s problem. I don’t mind having mine hanging in there. As long as I am solving others, I am fulfilled. 

“I love the beachside, unfortunately, I won’t go close to the water. All I just want to do is sit by the beachside and look up to the heavens. Then smile!” 

Sigh! That’s a lot! 

Okay, no work, what’s next? 

Sincerely outside work, I love to connect people. I am that one person that derives pleasure simply from making my network know each other. It gladdens my heart.

“I love to cook even when I am not sure of the outcome. Majorly for me, outside work is still work because all of these is still work, but at my pace.”

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cool good eh love2 cute confused notgood numb disgusting fail