by Oluwatosin Fatoyinbo
Interestingly, that was to be the genesis of our relationship as I would go on to love this idiot like all my life depended on it.
Episode 1
The last time we met, he left a bitter taste on my mouth; he left me stranded, weak and without hope. He destroyed every flicker of life left within my nostrils and left me for dead. He trampled on my soul and left my spirit begging for death with my body fully agreeing with my soul’s plea. As I took a long gaze at him, I saw his features had not changed one bit, rather he looked even more handsome. A spotless face, tender like a baby’s, sparkling brown eyes, pointed nose, soft pinky lips and a white well set row of cavity. I was momentarily filled with admiration at this wonderfully perfect man; that would not last for long though as pure hatred suddenly flowed from my heart to my face. I became tensed from within, my colours changed and I felt blood rush to my face. My mind immediately ran through terrible occurrences; I saw him hit by a car with his handsome head being crushed under the vehicle totally defacing him, I imagine that while his face was being destroyed, his body was trapped under the car and he moaned in deep pains begging for death to come quickly with death laughing hysterically and insisting that it was not yet time. I saw rescue workers making frantic attempts to pull him out without much success.
In fact the more the attempt, the more his body was being dismembered like the man in the Bible who cut up his dead concubine before sending it to all the coasts of Israel. I saw his face all conjured up in excessive pains, and then out of nowhere the damaged car suddenly bursting into flames as his charred flesh flew in a fast flight of fury in all directions.
‘Good morning Adenike, it’s been ages. How are you? I heard him say jolting me back to reality. I saw him stretch out his hands which I hesitantly took replying that I was good. As I felt the touch of his flesh on my flesh, my body trembled and crumbled under his touch and I held on to it for a minute or two. After I withdrew, he gave a long look that said ‘I am confused, I don’t understand’.
By this time, my muscles had tightened again and I despised myself for being so soft, GOD, what is wrong with me? I thought as a frown crept into my eyes immediately recoiling into an official mode. In that instant, I thought of a thousand and one reasons why he was in my very office and wondered how I was able to stay comfortable in his presence. All the cruel imaginations of my heart in the last five years seem to have quieted now that the object of its hatred stood right in front of me.
‘Please have a seat, what brings you into my office Gboye? I said rigidly with enormous effort.
“Well, I didn’t know you work here talk less of being the Regional Manager, maybe I should congratulate you on that first”
Thank you, what can I do for you?
I oversee the merger and acquisition unit of Omega PLC and I have been asked to visit you here to check up the assets and liabilities of each subdiary before we finally merge”
“Oh really, I wasn’t informed of your coming. The memo said you will be here next week!
“Yes that is true, I was meant to visit the Jos Office this week but I changed my plans because of my fiancé’s mum. She is celebrating her birthday in town on Thursday!
At the sound of the word fiancée, my head went gaga, I became totally furious within and the battle of hatred, bitterness and anger raged hot in my heart, my head pounded, my mind raced and my heart skipped. Such audacity, I thought. The mere fact that he could even ask another woman out talk less of wanting to marry one is exceedingly annoying. He was so buoyant and hippy having left me for dead. What will I do to this boy o? Chai! See his face, shining and radiant.
He was mumbling something but my mind had already raced fifty miles back, all he was saying only entered my ears, my brain wasn’t processing any of it. I still can remember vividly how we met. I was in my final year studying Economics and was busy writing my long essay on ‘Societal Perception and usage of Bank statements/statement of account’. I needed to avoid distractions so I could submit my work to my Supervisor ahead of schedule because he had a conference to attend in New York two weeks from that day. The best place to avoid people who don’t mind their business is the Library, so I had a plan to stay over at the University Library and complete the draft of my third chapter. All was going well until a tall young man came to my desk and asked if I had a pen to spare. I usually wouldn’t give anyone my things but I gave him all the same. I still cannot fathom why I gave him the pen without any restraint because if I had not been nice to him the first time, he wouldn’t have had the audacity to come back for something else. I was, to say the least very irritated when he came back about 15 minutes later wanting to know if I had a sharpened pencil and if it was not sharpened, he would want to use my pencil sharpener as well. I couldn’t help but think what kind of idiot he was. He took my pen, now he wants my pencil and expects a sharpener with it even when he hadn’t heard from me if I had a pencil.
I gave him a look that painted the exact picture of what was in my mind, he recoiled at the stern gaze but being the idiot that he is, he asked again “ can I use your sharpened pencil and if not sharpened, then I will need your pencil sharpener as well” he said with a defiant tone.
“Are you out of your mind? You haven’t even returned my pen” I threw back at him.
He looked at me and his face showed that he either was feigning ignorance or he didn’t understand at all which further confirmed my theory of him being a complete idiot.
“Look, I don’t know you from Adam; I find it difficult giving my things to even friends and you are here asking for a pencil after I gave you my pen. You can’t be serious” I harshly concluded
Rather than shut his mouth and walk away, he dragged a chair to my side and sat conveniently like an about to be crowned Prince. The incredulous look on my face told the whole story, I doubt if any other person had ever tried such a thing and my irritation was at the highest height.
“Sweetheart, you see in life we must create exceptions. I’m one of those few people whom you will make room for ok? so again, can I please make use of your pencil?
We argued back and forth about this for the next 10 minutes or thereabout, he was so philosophical and argumentative. Finally I succumbed and handed my pencil over to him. He stood up, said a very pleasant “thank you” and went back to his desk.
I thought about everything for the next couple of minutes, it was difficult getting him out of my mind. I thought he was stupid yet brave and although I was still irritated at the interruption, I liked him.
He returned my pen and pencil some four hours later by which time I was ready to leave. He offered to walk me to my hostel and I offered no objection. We left the Library engaging ourselves in a serious conversation about the rudeness of his act that day.
Interestingly, that was to be the genesis of our relationship as I would go on to love this idiot like all my life depended on it.
….. to be continued.
Oluwatosin Fatoyinbo is a Christ-follower..simple.. friendly.. music lover..writer..arsenal fan..Lawyer in equity..curator at He Tweets from @tosinfat
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