
Should free condoms be distributed in secondary schools? Have your say

Students at 22 Philadelphia high schools will be able to take advantage of the school’s free supply of condoms when they return from winter break. The pilot effort is launched to fight “an epidemic of sexually transmitted disease” in the city, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

Twelve schools in the city currently offer easy access to free condoms in the health resource centers, but the increase is necessary because teens comprise 25 percent of new HIV infections in the city. As expected, the move has faced opposition from some Philadelphia parents, who say free condoms will only encourage teens to engage in sexual activity. School officials have informed disgruntled parents that they can sign a waiver to opt their child out of the program; however, opting their child out of the program does not ensure he/she will not engage in sexual activity.

 “The reality is: Many of our teenagers, regardless of what adults think, are engaged in sexual activities,” Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter told the Philadelphia Inquirer. “Discussion about whether or not they should be sexually active is an appropriate discussion, but if they are, then we need to make sure they’re engaged in safe sexual practices.” There are at least 418 public schools throughout the country that offer condoms to students, according to Advocates for Youth, a group dedicated to educate and assist young people in sexual health.

Do you believe condoms should be available to minors at school? Have your say in the comments section.

Black Blue Dog

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  1. thank you, my DEAR. others are just prophets of doom. Whether you give them condoms or not, they are sexually active. So let it be given to them alongside sex education so that they can make their choice.

  2. Let's face it. Whether or not condoms are distributed, these kidss are still sexually active. Whether or not we want to admit it, the truth stares us in the face. Abstinence should be taught in schoools quite alright but its best to just teach them about protection too and just keep hoping they make the right choice by abstaining.

  3. You start sharing condoms to sec. sch stds, it'll be very much regrettable. You just give them proper liencence to have sex around and curiousity will have a great impact.

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