Does Akon really want to light up Africa?

This writer doesn’t seem to think so. In fact, according to this writer, Akon is scum and so is his project of lighting up Africa.

Akon made an announcement on May 27th at Coca-Cola’s Africa Day celebration about his agenda to bring solar power to Africa through his ‘Akon Lights Africa’ “philanthropy” efforts. He spoke of investing hugely in Africa being his home country and for some reasons, this writer seems to think its crap.

Here are 13;

The tricky part- Apparently Akon was quoted saying, ““In Africa, you’ve gotta manipulate them. You have to. You have to trick ‘em. No, like, really: You’ve gotta trick ‘em,” and sadly that is what he is doing according to the writer which are

1. He would go into countries in Africa with impending  political elections and offer to set up the solar technology for free in certain rural areas.

2. Once they set up this electricity for free, they would then help drive pressure from other villages that did not have it towards the elected official to get them power.

3. This pressure close to an election would force the officials to submit to Akons contracts, as they were effectively held hostage or lose their political position.


The Deal

4. Akon has secured a $1 billion line of credit from China Jiangsu International Group, a Chinese government-owned construction company that has made it its business to go into corrupt areas of Africa and create a stronghold on those countries in the development realm. China Jaingsu specifically has focused on business in war-torn- but oil rich countries. Let us not begin to delve into the fact that this same company is barred from the World Bank in 2013 for illegal practices in the “Ethiopia irrigation and drainage” project.

What he [Akon] said about ‘blood diamonds’

5. “I don’t even believe in conflict diamonds…That’s just a movie..It’s no different from The Blair Witch Project. Everybody thought that was real…”. Apparently Akon owns a diamond mine in South Africa worth billions. Akon is a man of West African descent that believes conflict diamonds and the atrocities that are associated with them are myths.

It is an unnecessary acquisition of loan and debt

6. “According to Akon, the cost of the solar panels will be subsidized by the governments and thus making the cost similar to that of kerosene. Yup, subsidized by the very African governments that now owe the Chinese massive amounts of money.”

And the others;

7. He is going to manipulate government officials into signing contracts that favor him.

8. These contracts will give the rights to build the solar infrastructure to Chinese companies that have questionable pasts in Africa already.

9. They are going so  “train” Africans to be able to work specifically with the “Chinese systems” and no other.

10. These same Chinese companies are going to fund the project and charge the interest on the loan to the governments that Akon has effectively manipulated elections in.

11. The solar power will not be free to the people.

12. The solar panels that they plan on putting in have been found to be defective in many places and most western countries around the world “supposedly” won’t accept them.

13.  African countries are locked into permanent relationships with Chinese governed companies for jobs, debt, and on a basic level- electricity.

And with that he said, “FUCK AKON- You imperialistic, sell out, scumbag.”

One comment

  1. Whoof! But the question here is, Are we comfortable with the situation we are currently in also? He has offered to help, you don’t expect him not to gain something in return. For me, too much politicizing won’t make us accept any form of help if care isn’t taken. NIGERIANS* (Most difficult people to please).

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