
Meet the real-life Magneto: Psychic ‘uses telepathic powers to manipulate metal’ just like X-Men supervillain (PHOTOS)

Meet the real-life Magneto, the psychic who claims to use telepathic powers to manipulate metal, just like the X-Men supervillain.

Miroslaw Magola says his mental powers are so strong he can even jump around with drinks cans, pots and pans or cutlery stuck to forehead, hands or chest.

The bizarre German insists after researching the phenomenon of psychic energy he exerts mind over matter and ‘connects’ himself to objects without using glue, adhesives or any tricks.

Magnetic personality: German psychic Miroslaw Magola claims to use telepathic powers to make metal stick to his bodyMagnetic personality: German psychic Miroslaw Magola claims to use telepathic powers to make metal stick to his body


Magnetic man Miroslaw Magola shows off his unique skills


Mr Magola, 55, said: ‘I found out I could train myself to manipulate lifeless objects as I studied for my degree in the early 90s.


‘I have since spent years perfecting the technique and exploring further into human magnetism.

‘I can defy gravity because I load myself with energy and – like moving a limb – can make objects do as I wish like a real life magnet.

Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto in X Men 3 The Last StandVillain: Sir Ian McKellen as Magneto in X Men 3 The Last Stand



‘I am determined to develop my unique powers further in the future and I’m currently working with telepathy and healing to see how psychokinetic energy can be put to a use that will benefit mankind.’

In the hit X-Men comics and films, Magneto, who is played by Sir Ian McKellen, has the ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields meaning he can stop bullets in their tracks and levitate huge metal objects like submarines and tanks.

Mr Magola’s powers may seem like something out of a comic book, with many people struggling to comprehend his abilities – others flatly refuse to believe him.

But the father-of-one refuses to be branded a ‘fake’ or ‘cheater’, revealing that his superpowers could potentially be mastered be everyone.

Mr Magola added: ‘Magnetic people prove with mind power they are capable of lifting objects of different materials off the floor without aid.

‘This can be done with the head or palms of the hands to hold objects vertically, horizontally or in circular movements.

‘Some magnetic people are also capable of lifting objects from the floor with the palm of a gloved hand or even with talcum powder on the skin.

‘You don’t have be a scientist to see the difference in the demonstrations between magnetic people and sceptics, who attempt to fool people uses cheating techniques.

‘The sceptics’ demonstrations have nothing in common with the phenomenon of magnetic people as they do not break the laws of gravity.’

Mr Magola claims his mental powers are so strong he can even jump around with drinks cans, pots and pans or cutlery stuck to forehead, hands or chestMr Magola claims his mental powers are so strong he can even jump around with drinks cans, pots and pans or cutlery stuck to forehead, hands or chest




Mr Magola claims his mental powers are so strong he can even jump around with drinks cans, pots and pans or cutlery stuck to forehead, hands or chest
Mr Magola claims his mental powers are so strong he can even jump around with drinks cans, pots and pans or cutlery stuck to forehead, hands or chest

Showman: One of Mr Magola’s main goals is to scoop a $1million prize – unclaimed for five decades – set for anyone who can prove they have supernatural powers



One of Mr Magola’s main goals is to scoop a $1million prize – unclaimed for five decades – set for anyone who can prove they have supernatural powers.

The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge was launched by famed magician and sceptic James Randi in 1964 for anyone who can show evidence of faith-healing, telepaths, psionics, dowsing, precognative psychic friends with astral bodies, past life remembrance, or spectral manifestations of any kind.



Mr Magola is in training to banish popular myths surrounding human magnetism – as many claim people simply have ‘sticky skin’ – and intends to beat the feat in the near future.

Mr Magola claims that after researching the phenomenon of psychic energy he learnt how to exert mind over matter and connects himself to objectsMr Magola claims that after researching the phenomenon of psychic energy he developed the ability to exert mind over matter and connects himself to objects


Mind power: Mr Magola claims his powers allow him to manipulate plastics as well as metalsMind power: Mr Magola claims his powers allow him to manipulate plastics as well as metals


He added: ‘I have been waiting many years, training and researching techniques, in order to challenge for the $1million prize.

‘I want to do it live in TV and cannot wait to get a reaction from an audience and prove to sceptics who claim it is all a hoax.’

Mr Magnola says he wants to prove his powers are real in a live TV performanceMr Magnola says he wants to prove his powers are real in a live TV performance



The James Randi Education Foundation, which was set up in conjunction with the challenge, receive hundreds of applications each year from people wanting to snap up the colossal fund.

A spokesman for the foundation said: ‘The Foundation is committed to providing reliable information about paranormal claims. It both supports and conducts original research into such claims.

‘we offer a one million dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event.

‘Unfortunately to date, no one has passed the preliminary tests, but we always welcome new challengers.’

The control and power of psychokinesis is largely unknown, but many parapsychologists believe people can train their mind in order to affect the physical world.

Metaphysics expert Dr Ellie Crystal said: ‘Everyone has the potential to be able to be telekinetic.

‘Telekinesis is created by higher levels of consciousness. It cannot be created by ‘wishing it’ to happen on the physical level.

‘The energy to move or bend an object is created by a person’s thoughts created by their subconscious mind.’

Read more: Daily Mail

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