Tag: Violence against Persons Prohibition ACT (VAPP)

Male rape survivors would get help but homophobia wouldn’t allow it

#TriggerWarning; Rape. Every year, millions of boys and girls globally suffer sexual violence. The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) reports that 6 out of 10 children experience some form…

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SOS: Nigeria’s legal system is still behind in protecting victims of sexual assault

In July 2012, news media widely reported the death by sexual molestation of wealthy businessman, Uroko Onoja. He is reported to have been killed by 5 of his six wives…

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The journey to Zero FGM: One step at a time! 

The journey to eliminate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has been an uphill one despite global efforts; its deep roots in social-cultural norms pose the biggest challenge to ending it in…

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