Tale of the tapes: Donald Trump is either a liar, a clown or just reckless

The American political theatrics keeps getting interesting, maybe even mildly provoking on some days and today is one of such.

Leader of the Free World, President Donald Trump is a big joke and we’re certainly not the first to say that out loud. America surely has never seen this level of recklessness and absurdity from any President and Trump just hit a new low today (as all the other 152 days of his administration, really).

President Trump tweeted earlier today:

Say hello to President Trump, the liar, the pathetic, the manipulator.

In the heat of former FBI Director James Comey’s dismissal in May, President Trump tweeted, “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”. It was this single tweet that spun a series of events including Comey’s decision to publish some of the notes he took while he met the president in private and his appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee weeks ago.

Trump admitting that he did not make any tapes of his conversations with Comey indicates that he clearly intimidated the fired FBI boss, manipulated the situation and obstructed justice, as pundits have expressed. He also held the media and every other concerned party to ransom for weeks by promising to reveal “disappointing” details in due time.

Deputy Press Secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in response to the recent tweets that Trump did not intend to intimidate Comey by suggesting there were tapes. Yes, it’s her job to defend the president’s never-ending blunders but the administration continues to lose credibility and continues to insult the intelligence of Americans with these blatant lies. Moreso because another Trump-loyalist, former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich revealed to Associated Press that “Trump was in his way instinctively trying to rattle Comey. He’s not a professional politician. He doesn’t come back and think about Nixon and Watergate. His instinct is: ‘I’ll outbluff you.”

The “not a professional politician” excuse is the latest in Trump’s boys rhetorics for justifying his recurring misdeeds. House Speaker, Paul Ryan offered his own version when he said Trump was “new at this, new to government” following his behaviour towards Comey. Ryan added at the time, “he’s learning as he goes”.

This simply tells us that America is either at the mercy of an ignorant but unteachable man and there are set to be more grievous mistakes ahead or Trump is just a clown who assumes America is another of his reality shows and will stop at nothing to continue to provide us the audience premium entertainment content.

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