
The Thread: Donald Trump tweets again and sparks worldwide confusion

Donald Trump has done it again! At this point, his Twitter fingers deserve their own Guinness Book of Records. Wondering what we are on about? Let’s catch you up to speed. Sometime last night, President of the United States of America, Donald Trump tweeted this:

The last word just jumps at you, doesn’t it? For a few minutes, I scrambled through my brain, wondering if I’d ever come across that word before because what the hell is “covfefe”? Then it occurred to me that the President might simply be showing off his newly acquired language skills, seeing as he just returned from globe-trotting. I was inclined to go with Russian, then I realised he didn’t touch down there.

[Did you miss]: The Thread: 3 Violent Things Trump did in Brussels That Shocked The World”

So what in the world is “covfefe”? No one really knows. Notice how he cuts off mid sentence? People assume Trump was trying to say “press coverage” or “press conference”. But who really cares? It’s Donald Trump and shit like this is par for the course. And that’s where Twitter comes in: 119k retweets later, it’s definitely the best place to milk this for all it’s worth.

Let’s go there:

A timeline

Social Media Team, hello? Anybody home?

All up in our feels

What is “covfefe”?

It’s a condiment

It’s a meal

No, it’s coffee

It’s a music band, silly

It’s a license plate!

It’s an ailment

It’s Oprah’s Favourite Thing!

It’s a…well, “covfefe“?

IT’S A DEMON Angry Face With Horns on EmojiOne Angry Face With Horns on EmojiOne 3.0


But what is a “covfefe“?
*stamps feet*

Putin, help

It’s the new Naija greeting

It’s a website

New Catch Phrase loading:

“Covfefe” vs the Orb: The Magicians edition

Let’s play word puzzles

Can we take a moment to kwa kwa kwa


The dictionaries weigh in

Wait a minute…



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