Donald Trump has done it again! At this point, his Twitter fingers deserve their own Guinness Book of Records. Wondering what we are on about? Let’s catch you up to speed. Sometime last night, President of the United States of America, Donald Trump tweeted this:
The last word just jumps at you, doesn’t it? For a few minutes, I scrambled through my brain, wondering if I’d ever come across that word before because what the hell is “covfefe”? Then it occurred to me that the President might simply be showing off his newly acquired language skills, seeing as he just returned from globe-trotting. I was inclined to go with Russian, then I realised he didn’t touch down there.
[Did you miss]: The Thread: 3 Violent Things Trump did in Brussels That Shocked The World”
So what in the world is “covfefe”? No one really knows. Notice how he cuts off mid sentence? People assume Trump was trying to say “press coverage” or “press conference”. But who really cares? It’s Donald Trump and shit like this is par for the course. And that’s where Twitter comes in: 119k retweets later, it’s definitely the best place to milk this for all it’s worth.
Let’s go there:
A timeline
You OK, Donald?
— Splinter (@splinter_news) May 31, 2017
It's been five minutes. What if this is it. That is his final tweet & the rest of history stops.
— Emily Nussbaum (@emilynussbaum) May 31, 2017
It's now been 15 minutes and the President still hasn't deleted this tweet. Follow us for continuing live covfefe
— Splinter (@splinter_news) May 31, 2017
What is the correct pronunciation of #covfefe?
— Splinter (@splinter_news) May 31, 2017
Proud to announce our new brand ✨ #covfefe
— Splinter (@splinter_news) May 31, 2017
OK seriously though, it's been two hours. Should we be covfefe
— Splinter (@splinter_news) May 31, 2017
Social Media Team, hello? Anybody home?
It's been over TWO HOURS and #covfefe hasn't been deleted! Where are his handlers?
— Nancy Opel (@NancyOpel) May 31, 2017
Does no one on staff have his password? Have they tried the most common ones? 123456, or 11111, or, like … "password"?
— Clive Thompson (@pomeranian99) May 31, 2017
All up in our feels
What is “covfefe”?
It’s a condiment
"And just before you serve it, you hit it with a dash of #Covfefe"
— Charles M. Blow (@CharlesMBlow) May 31, 2017
It’s a meal
"What did we have for dinner tonight?"
"Well we had a choice of steak or fish"
"Yes yes I remember I had #Covfefe
— Gareth Murtagh (@garethjmurtagh) May 31, 2017
No, it’s coffee
Just having my first #Covfefe of the day before I get started. Why is everyone talking about it? I've always pronounced it that way…
— Rick O'Shea (@rickoshea) May 31, 2017
Went to bed early so I could get up and write. Literally waking up and smelling the #covfefe. Y'all are killing my productivity.
— Kara N. Slade (@KaraNSlade) May 31, 2017
Come get your #covfefe fix this morning
— Off the Ground (@offthegrounduk) May 31, 2017
It’s a music band, silly
You'll remember Covfefe, Belgium's number 3 techno band, did two Peel Sessions in 1993 and '94. Their album "Negative Press" went Tin.
— In Session Tonight (@InSessionTonite) May 31, 2017
It’s a license plate!
My dad just bought the CA license plate "COVFEFE." #covfefe
— Talya Cooper (@talicoop) May 31, 2017
It’s an ailment
If your covfefe lasts longer than four hours, call your doctor. #Covfefe
— Robot Joe Miller (@JoeMiller17) May 31, 2017
It’s Oprah’s Favourite Thing!
YOU get a #covfefe, and YOU get a covfefe!
— christine but, like, a real-life adult now (@stopitchristine) May 31, 2017
It’s a…well, “covfefe“?
"You're going to need a bigger #Covfefe"
— Gareth Murtagh (@garethjmurtagh) May 31, 2017
What's #Covfefe? Our collection suggests it's a demon summoned by writing its name over & over again. Its powers are unclear. Bear with! ?
— Wellcome Collection (@ExploreWellcome) May 31, 2017
But what is a “covfefe“?
*stamps feet*
Help, @MerriamWebster. #Covfefe
— Jessica Taylor (@JessicaTaylor) May 31, 2017
Putin, help
Media frantically typing #Covfefe on Google translate to see what it means in Russian.
— Matt '15 (@Aggie_Matt15) May 31, 2017
I think #Covfefe is Russian for "Take Jared and spare me."
— Kristina Womp-Wong ❄️ (@mskristinawong) May 31, 2017
It’s the new Naija greeting
Good morning peeps, except for the 15 million Nigerians that put us in this economic #covfefe Go and collect your good morning from PMB. ???
— Adetutu Balogun (@Tutsy22) May 31, 2017
It’s a website
Goddamit. Someone already bought Probably the Russians.
— Kristina Womp-Wong ❄️ (@mskristinawong) May 31, 2017
New Catch Phrase loading:
— David K. March (@dkmnow) May 31, 2017
“Covfefe” vs the Orb: The Magicians edition
Now this is what the internet should be about.
— Stig Abell (@StigAbell) May 31, 2017
Let’s play word puzzles
Replace a word in a movie title with #Covfefe
— Nneka O. ?? (@Playm8z) May 31, 2017
Will you be my #covefe? Yes/No.
Replace Nigerian song lyrics with #covefe. ?— Amara Nwankpa (@Nwankpa_A) May 31, 2017
Can we take a moment to kwa kwa kwa
By the end of the night, my phone will think #covfefe is a real word and won't try to autocorrect me. What a time to be alive.
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) May 31, 2017
The dictionaries weigh in
The internet shouldn't be free. ? #covfefe
— Simar (@sahluwal) May 31, 2017
Wakes up.
Checks Twitter.
? Lookups fo…
Regrets checking Twitter.
Goes back to bed.— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) May 31, 2017
Wait a minute…
Finally figured out what Bill Murray whispered in Scarlett Johansson's ear at the end of "Lost in Translation" #covfefe
— Jordan VanDina (@Shrimptooth) May 31, 2017
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