
TICKER: Mom sues phone company for selling used phone filled with porn to 13-year-old daughter

A Georgia mother is reportedly suing RadioShack, claiming the chain sold her a porn-filled refurbished cell phone.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Marcia Jones filed a lawsuit against RadioShack and Sprint after she found pornographic pictures on two HTC Evo 4G phones she purchased at a store in a mall in 2011.

One of the phones, she said, was for her 13-year-old daughter, Morgan. Jones said she believed the phones were brand new.

But when Morgan activated the phones, the teen allegedly “found adult and child pornography in the photo gallery,” attorney Curt Thompson said.

“These were apparently…phones that someone had used,” Thompson said, according to UPI. “They had used them to upload pornographic pictures.”

He added that when the irate mother complained about the refurbished phones, the store only offered to swap the phones for other ones.

All the store was willing to do was trade out the phones,” Thompson said, according to

But that wasn’t enough for Jones, who “wants the company to take the situation seriously so that others are not exposed to the unexpected images,” writes the Journal-Constitution.

Jones contends that her daughter had to go through “counseling after being exposed to the graphic images.”

According to Thompson, Sprint is also named in the lawsuit.

Huffington Post

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