Top 5 Podcasts of the Week | Nigeria

The Honest Bunch Podcast

This week, we have all been entertained by our favourite podcasters, updating us about their real-life experiences, mistakes, and lessons learned.

Listening to podcasts has been described as therapeutic by fans who prefer dedicating hours to hearing their favourite podcasters narrate their experiences.

We have compiled a list of the top 5 podcasts in Nigeria this week, hoping that no matter the tasks you set your mind to completing this weekend, you also get to catch up on these top 5 podcasts.

  1. Loose Talk
Loose Talk podcast

The men discuss Euros 2024 as they air their opinions and predictions. They also speak on the one-day strike in Nigeria, the shutdown of the National grid, the drama between the federal government and Multichoice and more.

  1. So Nigerian
So Nigerian podcast

The hosts of ‘So Nigerian’ open up about the ‘African Childhood Trauma,’ sharing an insight into the lives almost every Nigerian lived while growing up with African parents and in an African community. They share their experiences along with their paths to healing and moving on.

  1. Menisms

In this week’s latest episode of Menisms, the men get down and deep about jealousy, wondering if all men get jealous while also getting candid about the fear of meeting their lover’s parents. What does it mean if you meet your lover’s parents?

  1. I Said What I Said
I Said What I Said

This episode includes the women celebrating their 200th episode of the ‘I Said What I Said’ podcast. They celebrate this feat by talking about secrets and lies. The submissions read on the podcast’s episode are wild and hilarious.

  1. The Honest Bunch 
The Honest Bunch Podcast

The gang returns in this week’s episode with Nollywood actress Yvonne Jegede, whose controversial confession regarding her marriage shocked many listeners. The main topic of discussion was “You are not your partner’s spec,” which she heavily elaborated on.

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