23 year-old Lagos prophet rapes woman during prayer session

by S’ola Filani


A 23-year-old Celestial Church prophet, Adewale Adeleke, has been arrested for raping a church member during prayer a prayer session.

He committed the act on July 26 at 6 pm at the premises of Original Inn Hotel, Ebute Meta.

The prophet allegedly approached his victim claiming to be spiritually informed about her problems and had solutions to them through a scheduled prayer session.

When the victim met him at the hotel on the scheduled appointment, he obtained her mobile phone and N13,000 as mobilization fees.

He then forced her to strip naked as a prerequisite for her prayer to be answered and thereafter unlawfully assaulted her and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent.

Appearing before a Yaba Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, Mr. Adeleke, was arraigned on a four-count charge of stealing, obtaining by false pretext, impersonation and rape.

The prosecutor, Mr. Chris Takim said the offences contravene Sections 258, 285, 312 and 378 of the Criminal Laws if Lagos State, 2011.

Section 258 prescribes life imprisonment for any man who has unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman or girl, without her consent.

Adeleke however pleaded not guilty.

The Chief Magistrate, Ariike Oshibayo, granted bail to the accused in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties in like sum. He further adjourned the case till August 16 for further hearing.


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  1. I think mentioning Celestial here is on call for, why not just say a fake prophet… Bible says that by their fruit, you shall know them. The came out of us but they are not part of us, for if the belong to us, they would not had been found with this evil act. I think is more professional for you guys to remove CELESTIAL name on this post. Thank you. And for the Guy, He needs to repent, and may God forgive HIM. Cos His actions is evil.

  2. I still wonder how women can be so gullible to go for a “prayer session” with a so called man of God in a hotel of all places! what happened to the church?. Ladies should just wise up and stop being fooled by this perverts who parade themselves as prophets.

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