Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) Responds to Criticism on Support for John ‘Mr Ibu’ Okafor

The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), has reacted to the recent backlash it received regarding the ill-health of one of its respected and renowned members, John Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu. 

In a statement signed on Friday, Kate Henshaw, the Actors Guild of Nigeria’s Director of Communications, stated that the guild has never and will never abandon any of its members, especially in their time of need. She further disclosed that the guild under the leadership of Chief Dr Emeka Rollas has secured qualitative medical healthcare packages for all its members with over 600 hospitals across the country at very affordable rates.

She also stated that the guild has developed a trust fund dedicated to supporting its sick and incapacitated members as well as the bereaved among them. According to the statement, the monies donated towards the trust fund have been disbursed judiciously to all sick and ailing members of the guild. She also discouraged members from publicly seeking financial help as it is embarrassing to the guild. 

This statement came after netizens and popular figures berated the Actors Guild of Nigeria for “neglecting” the veteran actor, John Okafor after his public cry for help. 

Recall that the family of the popular Nollywood actor reached out to the public on social media, seeking financial help regarding the health issue of the actor. The actor was also seen in a video asking the public for their support in monies and prayers. 

Watch the full statement here:

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