
15 most incredible sex facts

by Trina Remedios


The study reveals that those who have sex four times or more a week are likely to earn more money. 

1. Sex increases your salary:

That’s what the Institute for the Study of Labor, an economic research institution, in Germany says. The study reveals that those who have sex four times or more a week are likely to earn more money.  The study states that those who have sex often are self confident, which has a positive impact on their work performance. But those who do not have sex regularly, feel lonely, depressed and experience a heightened sense of anxiety, which can adversely affect their performance at work.

2. Sexual offence on the rise among youth

Easy accessibility of sex on different social platforms has increased sexual offences among youth. Lack of sexual education and parental monitoring are closely linked to the rise in young sexual predators. According to a study, approximately 10 per cent of youth are responsible for sexual violence.

3. Men with high salary prefer large breasts

The general conception is that men love breasts. But a study suggests that fondness for large breasts depends on your salary. Those who earn less prefer larger breasts, but men who are rich do not prefer big breasted women.

4. Breasts can improve arousal

A study in 2006 suggests that longer foreplay especially with breasts heightens sexual arousal. Men tend to fail to sexually stimulate breasts as much as they would to the vagina. So pay more attention to a woman’s breasts, during foreplay.

5. Breasts may determine the help you get

Men are likely to be generous and helpful to large breasted women. Several studies  suggest that those with larger breasts are likely to receive help, for instance, large breasted waitresses are likely to receive larger tips.

6. Porn makes you tolerant

A study reveals that men who regularly watch porn are tolerant to non-traditional couples. Porn is a huge industry includes different kinds of sex with different kinds of couples. So it focuses on openness and increases tolerance.

7. men love looking at the penis

Based on internet research, male genitalia is a popular search term as female genitalia. Men often search for big dick, big cocks or enormous cock. In the primate world, an erect penis suggests hostility, territorial and is used to seduce female primates. Is this why men like looking at pictures of large penises?

8. Secret to last longer in bed

Fat men tend to last longer in bed; well that’s what research reveals. The average performance of fatter men is greater than leaner men. Larger men can last up to 7.3 minutes compared to slimmer men who last for 108 seconds.

9. Monkey sex arouses women

In a study, women were subjected to visuals of monkeys having sex. The visual turned-on women compared to visuals of female porn, kissing or even male masturbation.

10. Sperm as anti-ageing treatment

Sperm contains anti-ageing properties that reduce free radicals and enhance the skin. Spermidine also rejuvenates the cells and improves cell growth.

11. Sleep deprivation makes you sexually appealing

It is believed that sleep deprivation reduces your performance in bed, but this study suggests that men who are sleep deprived assume that women want them and feel sexually appealing.

12. Sex reduces chances of prostate cancer

Regular sex lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer. Researchers believe that sex flushes out cancerous semen fluids, thereby reducing the chances of prostate cancer.

13. Vagina size can increase considerably with heightened arousal

An average vagina is three to four inches but it can expand to 200 per cent when it is sexually aroused. Engage in longer foreplay to boost sexual arousal.

14. Kinky sex, suggests happiness

Apparently the want for kinky sex suggests that you are psychologically happy. A study reveals that kinky sex implies you are confident, healthy and happy.

15. Ginger stimulates arousal

According to a study, ginger induces sexual arousal in both men and women. Ginger increases the heart rate and improves the blood flow. Throughout history, ginger has been used for different health benefits and according to the Karma Sutra, ginger is considered an aphrodisiac.


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