The 31-year-old model was slammed on Twitter by the ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ star over her stripper past after she criticized the former ‘X Factor’ host’s half-sister Kylie Jenner, 17, and her relationship with 25-year-old Tyga, but now she insists the row was “extremely misunderstood”.
She said: “That’s her sister so I understand where she was coming from, and I feel like it escalated to the point where it shouldn’t have gotten that far.
[I always thought] Khloe was cool.
“It really wasn’t about them. It just kind of turned into that, and, via social media, it just made everything a lot worse…
I really don’t want to argue with those girls. It’s not that serious for me.”
Though Amber has some regret over her remarks, she does wish Khloe had addressed the situation privately, instead of over social media.
She told gossip blogger Perez Hilton: “So, for me to say, ‘yeah, she should probably go to bed,’ maybe was in poor taste and I understand that.
“But I feel like that should have been more of a phone call that Khloe could’ve had with me. She could’ve called me. We run in the same circles. She could’ve gotten my number for sure.”
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