
Auschwitz memorial slams GOP congressman for recording video at Holocaust site

The video of a Louisiana congressman taken inside a gas chamber at the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz has drawn criticism from the Polish museum and memorial that oversees the site where thousands of people were murdered during the Holocaust.

The congressman Rep. Clay Higgins shot a roughly five-minute video of his tour, filming and narrating the train tracks that carried prisoners to the camp and piles of shoes left by prisoners, he later posted the video was posted to YouTube.

Halfway through the video, Higgins filmed himself inside an Auschwitz gas chamber, explaining, how Nazi guards would murder their victims by dropping poisonous gas through the hatch, he later moved in front of ovens, explaining how the camp’s guards would force other prisoners to load the dead bodies for cremation.

This was the part of the video that prompted a response from the Auschwitz Memorial and Museum, posted to Twitter that “everyone has the right to personal reflections. However, inside a former gas chamber, there should be mournful silence. It’s not a stage.”


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