Author: Logan February

#YNaijaNonBinary: 10 Young Nigerians Challenging Conformity in The Culture

For every generation, there exists a code; a set of norms passed on by the predecessors, so that society may continue on a certain trajectory. But we know that many…

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FULL TRANSCRIPT: Romeo Oriogun, in conversation with Logan February (via Zoom)

Logan February Hey Romeo! Thank you for agreeing to do this, and thank you for taking the time. I really appreciate that. So, how's it going in Iowa, being quarantined…

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On Queer Privilege and Music in Sacrament of Bodies: Romeo Oriogun, in conversation with Logan February

(The following is an excerpt from a Zoom conversation between Nigerian poets, Oriogun and February, from Iowa, USA, and Lagos, Nigeria, respectively. Read the full transcript here.) Logan February Okay.…

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Logan February

#YNaijaNonBinary: ‘There is Hope’, A Note from the Guest Editor, Logan February

For much of our recent past, the year 2020 was held as a symbol of futurism in collective imagination. We had various visions for this era: where the world would…

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cool good eh love2 cute confused notgood numb disgusting fail