by Oge Okonkwo
A 25-year-old supermarket worker recently had a baby she didn’t know she was carrying at first until she gave birth.
New mum, Gaynor Rzepka was totally unaware she was expecting her baby, Olly-James until her parents bathroom floor served as the hospital bed.
She said she could run a half marathon five months into her pregnancy without any problems.
Mirror News reports:
Just before the new arrival she had put in a 10-hour shift in a supermarket before coming home and giving birth to 6lb 5oz Olly-James on February 16.
Gaynor had been at work at the Filco supermarket in Cowbridge, South Wales, but she had complained about feeling unwell.
She said her manager asked her if she wanted to go home early but she insisted on carrying on until the end of her long shift.
That night she woke at about 1am in pain.
Gaynor said: “I was having a really sharp pain in the side of my stomach all day and I didn’t know what it was.
“The only way I can describe it is that it was like someone stabbing me in the right hand side of my groin.
“I didn’t think much of it. At about 5am I felt like I needed the toilet but I couldn’t go.
“I had another really sharp pain at about 5.20am and went to the toilet again.
“I stood up because I didn’t feel right. I put my hands there just in case and thought, what’s the worst that can happen?
“I just pushed and he arrived. I caught him before he went into the toilet.”
Gaynor said: “My first words were just repeating: ‘Oh my god’. I didn’t know what else to say.
“I burst into tears and sat on the floor. My mum said ‘It’s a baby’ and my dad was saying, ‘Don’t worry, keep calm’.”
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