
Monster: Pastor arrested for 3 murders, pretends to mourn at their funerals (PICTURED)



After allegedly pretending to be a sympathetic mourner at two of the funerals of victims from a triple murder at a Kentucky pawn shop last month, Kenneth Allen Keith, Pastor of Main Street Baptist Church, Burnside, Kentucky, was arrested on Wednesday by police in Danville, Kentucky and charged with three counts of murder and one count of robbery.

According to the family of two of the victims, Michael Hockensmith and his wife Angela, Keith even had the nerve to approach them and offer their condolences while attending their funerals. They added that they are sickened by Keith’s actions.

The triple murder occurred on September 20 at the ABC Gold, Games and More pawn shop in Daville, Kentucky. Daniel P. Smith was the third victim of the shootings.

According to a statement from the police department, after searching a jewelry store in Somerset that is operated by Keith, his church and the parsonage where he lives, they arrested Keith and charged him with the triple slaying.

Michael Hockensimth, 34 and his wife Angela, 38, were owners of the pawn shop that Keith allegedly robbed and shot the three people. Apparently Michael had business dealing with Keith after making friends with him several years ago while at church.

According to relatives of the deceased couple, Keith was considered to be a close family friend and fellow Christian.

Michael’s brother, Tony Hockensmith said that when he learned that Keith had been arrested in the k!lling of his brother and sister-in-law, it made him sick to the stomach.

Barbara Lewis, the mother of Michael, said that Keith had approached her at the funeral of her son and told her that he was sorry for her loss.

According to police reports, during their investigation of the murders, Keith had demonstrated “intimate knowledge” of the shootings, including how many times one of the victims had been shot. This prompted them to obtain a warrant for a search of his premises and later to his arrest.

The Hockensmith’s two children are now living with their grandparents and although they were unhurt, they were both present at the store during the shootings. The nine year old boy was apparently the one who called the police after the murder of his parents.

Keith is now awaiting transfer to Boyle County Jail, Danville, Kentucky while being held at Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Read more: All Christian News

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