by Ore Fakorede
It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that it’s always up to me to decide what to care about.
In the plainest term, here’s what would happen if I tried to care about everything: I’d drive myself crazy.
From pleasing the uncle who has made himself a mentor-overlord, to giving a stranger’s conclusions about our lives a second thought, caring about the wrong things is basically stress. We attach some importance to random crap and it becomes our priority, asserting itself over the actual priorities that took us time to get right.
Often because we think we have something to prove to other people.
In reality, we usually don’t. People will be fine if we went about our lives the way we thought best, owned our mistakes and kept on.
Sure, someone is going to raise an eyebrow and mutter their displeasure every now and then, but who cares? If we don’t give them the time of day, they’ll get the point and move on eventually. That’s a better life than struggling to meet someone else’s misplaced standards.
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*Ore Fakorede is currently surviving Lagos. He blogs about his crazy, beautiful, ordinary life at
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