You ran Nigeria aground | Sheriff blasts PDP former ministers

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has said former ministers of the party were part of those who ran Nigeria aground.

This was stated by the National Chairman of the party, Senator Modu Sheriff, who spoke in Abuja on Tuesday.

Sheriff called on the former ministers to tell Nigerians the source of their wealth.

He said the former ministers added the problems of the country instead of leading the people.

The former governor of Borno State was reacting to the former ministers’ meeting in Abuja on Monday,

The former ministers had backed Senator Ahmed Makarfi’s faction of the party at the meeting.

Sheriff described the gathering as illegal, stating that they had no right to hold a meeting on behalf of the party.

He said, “We want to say first of all that the party’s constitution is very clear and the organs of the party are specified – from the ward executive committee down to the national convention of the party. We don’t have the forum of former ministers among the organs.

“We take exception to the comments of this group of persons who met on Monday and called themselves Forum of PDP Former Ministers.

“We want to say that under normal circumstances, in some countries, these are people who will not show themselves in the public.

“These persons have a lot of money; they must tell Nigerians how they came about their money. Again, their opinion is that they can buy the party, but Sheriff has said no, that the party is not for sale.

“Our position is very clear; they may not support Sheriff and the reason is because they know they cannot buy Sheriff. He is not for sale. Ordinarily, these people will not walk the streets (free). They were given opportunity to run this country, but they ran it aground.”

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