Tag: Adaobi Okwy

Adaobi Okwy: 10 signs you’re a sad lonely girl (Y! Superblogger)

Your friends dare not tell you about their new or on-going relationship because they're scared that you'd either burst into tears, become moody and cranky or begin to avoid them…

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Adaobi Okwy: Really, why do gays scare us? (Y! Superblogger)

I am not here to tell you what to do… I don’t have all the answers. I just wouldn’t bash my neighbor for his or her sexuality… before God and…

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Adaobi Okwy: To prepare kids for future hardship, mother doesn’t know best (Y! Superblogger)

...between many women’s choices of the trivial and the vital, mothers need to consult with fathers because, she doesn’t always know best. I had a very interesting conversation with one…

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Adaobi Okwy: Dear Boko Haram… (Y! Superblogger)

I leave you with questions and only hope that one day...soonest, you'd find it in your heart to put down your weapons and leave us to heal and to forgive.…

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Adaobi Okwy: Why I used to want to be a boy (Y! Superblogger)

It is a tough world for today’s woman even though I have learned to love and appreciate my own womanhood but, it hasn’t saved all the abused and victimized woman…

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