by Kori Ellis The womanizer has plenty of female acquaintances because he's hoping to have sex with all of them. 1. HE PROMISES TOO MUCH, TOO SOON. You just met him,…
by Christine Gallagher Never share the details, particularly the gory ones, until you know each other a whole lot better. We've all been on first dates where some surprising snippet…
by Jane Garapick If your girlfriends have warned you that he uses women and throws them away, you need to listen to them and know he's most likely a womanizer.…
by Margeaux Baulch Klein There isn't a universal right time to become intimate with a new partner, however, if you have sex before a man has had a chance to…
from DFTM She assumes that your attracted to everything in a skirt and attempt to limit your exposure to them because she is so afraid is she of losing you.…