Tag: uche onyebadi

Op-Ed EditorJune 23, 2015

Uche Onyebadi: The Charleston Shooting and apartheid

by Uche Onyebadi  There is hardly any plausible explanation of Roof’s love for the obnoxious apartheid system than the fact ...

Op-Ed EditorJune 19, 2015

Uche Onyebadi: The curious case of Rachel Dolezal

by Uche Onyebadi  Rachel is not alone in this cobweb of racial inanity. When Obama declared his intention to run ...

December 24, 2013

Opinion: Much ado about Santa and Jesus

by Uche Onyebadi Does it really matter that Santa is white or black? Does Jesus’ message gain credibility by his ...

December 10, 2013

Opinion: Wanted – A Nigerian political Floyd Mayweather

by Uche Onyebadi After the mainly one-sided fight, Canelo was asked what went wrong. His response? It was something to ...

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