The Thread: 3 reasons why you should be squeamish about TSTV

Yesterday, TwitterNG was buzzing with the coming of a new Messiah, TSTV who would wipe Nigerians DSTV football viewing frustrations away. To quote Manasseh Egedegbe, “So why am I paying 17k a month if I can’t watch ordinary EFL Cup?”.

The advantages of TSTV being touted on social media are its Pay-as-you-view option, 20gig data and frigging low price.

Independence rocks, doesn’t it? But just before you jump ship on Oct 1st, here are 3 reasons to slow your roll:

1 MMM works in mysterious ways …and it just might have reinvented itself with TSTV. #NoShade.

2.The devil you know and all that see-finish business. Usually better in the long run, we hear.

3. Patriotism isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Remember HiTV? Always best to get your money’s worth.

But should all of the above do nothing to dissuade you and you’ve got enough money to throw around, by all means, walk out on DSTV. Like Chidi says, it will go a long way in shaking up DSTV- something they need. Yesterday.

Not to mention…


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  1. Where is ur branch in ogba

  2. wen i we go to have it kwamba suleja Niger state

  3. Let Dstv get out ,for many years now their subscription is whoever that say dstv should continue in Nigeria is a enemies of for that we need tstv in Nigeria.

  4. this is 9ja base TV, already waiting to purchase mine after d lunching

  5. Pls am buying 5, one in my living room, one in the bed room, one in my kitchen, one for my dad and one for the kids.

  6. the market would be competitive now. The nonsense from multi choice (Dstv) is enough.
    Tstv should be encourage

  7. Why compare it with MMM? Will they not provide the hardware or will you have to pay for years in advance? Neither of these. There’s no basis for comparison unless someone just wants to discourage subscribers!

  8. I don’t care if it is a new MMM or not or old HITV am gonna buy it.


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