
#UltimateLoveNG: Chris and Rosie turn to gossip buddies over PreshDavid

You would think that after a month in the Ultimate Love pad, some of the housemates would have (to some degree), come to understand how the show works and by extension, gotten used to the fact that Ultimate Love remains a game show with rules set in place to sift out the Ultimate Couple. Apparently, PreshDavid seems not to have gotten the memo. Nominations in the house still manage to get to this couple and somehow make them behave juvenile.

PreshDavid’s reactions to nominations is becoming a thing of discord in the house. An ugly behavior (if you will) that creates far more tension than we care to watch. And what’s ironic is that they don’t even get nominated as much as the rest of the other couples do, I mean would it kill them to revel in that fact, rather than focus on the inevitable nomination every couple would eventually get. 

At this point, we can’t help but wonder if Presh David doesn’t expect to ever get nominated throughout the duration of the game. Several housemates have complained bitterly about the way this couple respond to nominations and how annoying it’s getting. They seem to take nominations way too personally and treat it like a direct attack on them. So much so that Rosie, who rarely has anything bad to say about anyone, found herself in an intense gossip session with the house’s leading stool pigeon; Chris.

According to Chris; after nominations she sensed some hostility from Presh, which at first she misread, only to later realize that the hostility was as a result of nominations, a sentiment Rosie shared, thus the gossip session. 

With this particular issue, it was a case of “he said,” “she said.” Apparently, David had told Rosie something intended to cause a feud between herself and Chris, but after a conversation between both ladies, they figured that it was just a scheme. It was an attempt to make the ladies go at each other, and they were able to quell what little quarrel had ensued.

Chris even went as far as saying that David “has an evil heart, he plots, they plant negative things in people’s hearts.” The ladies went on and on about the couple, with Chris joking about how Nollywood would be a perfect fit for Presh. 

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