
8 signs that you’re a very, very bad roommate

by Madeleine Coleman


Disagreements with the one you cohabitate with are inevitable. From your parents to your boyfriend, people won’t knock and your snacks will get eaten. Yet the college living situation always seems to be the most tumultuous, and so I have collected all my wisdom to show you the signs that you’re being a bad roommate. Yes, you. That wasn’t a typo. Instead of blaming your roommate, look out for these signs in your self and you’ll be able to negate any sign of conflict. Because what’s a better way to learn than with examples of what-not-to-do?

You Take Without Asking
Nine times out of ten your roommate is happy to share with you because she wants to get along with you, too. Yes, shocking I know, not everyone is out to get you. But sharing stops being caring when you take without asking. So next time you raid her shoe closet, maybe ask for permission. Also pleases and thank yous are a big plus.
You Have No Respect For Their Schedule
If your roommate has a final the next day, don’t pre-game in your dorm the night before. That’s just common decency. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
You’re A Messy Beast
Always keep in mind that this isn’t just your space. You have to be extremely considerate of one another’s space because this is your home for the next nine months. If you’re not big on cleaning that’s fine but make sure all your things stay on your side of the room.
You’re Brie Van De Kamp
For those of you who live under a rock and don’t watch Desperate Housewives; if you’re Brie Van De Kamp you’re a neurotic, anal-retentive clean freak. Everyone enjoys a clean space, but don’t push it onto your roommate.
You’re Doing It In Front Of Your Roommate
Major rule in life: don’t have sex in front of people. Sex in front of your roommate isn’t classy, and is extremely inconsiderate. Get your roommates phone number and let her know if you have a gentlemen caller over. If the moral repercussions of having sex in front of your roommate aren’t enough, then the ones Tufts give should be.
You’re Dealing Drugs Out Of Your Dorm
Making someone an accessory to your crime is pretty ghastly. So are dealing drugs.
You’ve Posioned Your Roommate
This one should be pretty obvious but for all the sociopaths out there, if you’re poisoning your roommate then you’re a really bad roommate. Yes she slept with your boyfriend, and yes she stole your mac n cheese, but poisoning someone is a felony.
You’ve Stabbed Your Roommate
If #2 wasn’t obvious enough, then this should make up for that. Being violent towards the person you live with isn’t cool no matter what: whether it’s a hair pull or a fatal knife wound because she stole your iPod. Just hug it out.

Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija.

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