
@AdaobiOkwy: 5 types of friends to have (Y! Superblogger)

by Adaobi Okwy

We have various personalities among our circle of friends and while our friends may not be there for us through the years, for those who are, if we take the time, we notice there are very stand-out qualities that each possess.

The aim here is not to say anyone is good or better, it’s just a fun expose on our friends and will make us go ‘aww’, as we realize this. And here goes:

  • The Talker: This friend is the one who you often forget how you met because somehow, you’ve just always known them- prattle and all. One day, you were saying ‘hello’ and the next, they’re over at your place and the journey just continued from there on. The talker is usually your most social or jovial friend and will be the one to widen your social circle. You find them connecting you with others- “remember him/her? No? But he/she will accompany us to the…moon?” Yes, that’s the talker for you.
  • The Intellectual: He or she knows something about everything and if you are cool, you respect them for this when they aren’t shoving it in your face. Star wars trivia- call them. Onion origin- call them. Tom Clancy’s first novel? Call them. Or maybe not. Maybe they just know all about Mary Kay- the original and the fake and the best bag to buy. The intellectual is the one whose opinion you trust because they’re mostly objective and impartial. Could also be the one to settle squabbles in the group.


  • The Fun Friend: Maybe called wild by a bystander but you know he/she is just so full of life and anything short of fun is unending misery for him/her. This is the friend who drags you out to a club even though you made it expressly clear that you never ever want to club. They have so many fun adventures you always wish you could find the courage for. You know the rumours about him/her being shallow and unserious in life isn’t accurate. You know this is just the way they get through life and you love them.
  • The Silent One: You hardly hear a peep from this one. They could be smarter than others but rarely speak up. You feel there’s something more lurking in their shadows because they’re so mysterious yet…you can’t figure it out fully.
  • The Best Friend: Whenever you call, however bad you’re feeling, you know this friend would make it feel alright even if it can never be fixed. You miss them when they aren’t around even if you never say. You love hanging out with them and always pray for them and hope that they let it slip you’re their best friend too.

5 kinds of friends, which are you?


Adaobi Okwy blogs at Adaobi

Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija.

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