by Bunmi Olaniyan
The vaunting arrogance and denial of partisan Political participation justified by gerontocracy amongst the old guard now replaced with Social Media activist’s perceived intellectual arrogance, they intellectually micro manage their minions they will haughtily tell you how to think, who to vote for or support, what to say .
I am more of an introspective although as cerebral as any social commentator, when ruminating upon the socio political problems confronting us as a nation. I normally tend to reflect deeply for a few hours in the course of my daily commitments and while charged up with the inevitable angst, frustration and helplessness we all experience go on my twitter time line and ventilate these convoluted feelings and emotions via a mini rant, now I’m pretty sure non Nigerian and (apolitical) followers are completely fed up of it by now but hey rather that than a nervous breakdown.
I rarely do opinion piece or articles unless the issue is of sufficient emotional hold and takes to me much deeper than normal.
Firstly I must really appreciate the YNaija editorial team for lending their platform to put fingers to pad as it were and expound upon my views on a wide range of subjects. I earnestly hope I do not disappoint anyone reading as we proceed along on a meandering path, navigating the complexities obtained in the Nigerian socio-political hemisphere.
I was having a fairly long but certainly animated discourse with a friend of mine about the influence of social media in Nigerian politics, and how sustainable and lasting this will be as a veritable platform especially in the wake of the recent Ekiti Gubernatorial election, my views according to him were unnecessarily pessimistic and i was failing to see the bigger picture. We ended the debate with none the winner but certainly wiser learning a little bit more from each other.
I must offer a quick disclaimer here, while the intent is to dredge up some starkly pragmatic albeit controversial views, it will neither be restrained nor constricted to a narrow set of demographic or Political class but all-encompassing irrespective of Political, gender, religious, ethnic cleavages.
By the very nature of electronic and print media it is a moot point and certainly not even worth exploring to assert that, the sheer logistics one will require to set up or even lend a platform to espouse any sort of ideals, is out of the reach of the common individual especially the Nigerian youth demographic.
This has invariably made it the exclusive preserve of the moneyed and wealthy, those who use both avenues as a mouthpiece to trumpet their own morally fractured ideals and motives to the unfair exclusion of any other considerations (Yes I promised to be dispassionate but bear with me as I explain further). In this morally deficient quagmire existed a youth demographic with no political direction, seen but not heard barely tolerated with no real voice power or even platform afforded them. The male folk were only good for thugs and general domestic chattels while the females were only good for sexual objectivity and entertainment of the gerontocrats.
However the advent of social media changed the social dynamics in this regard, Social Media brought with it so much promise and potentials .We yearned and hankered for our generation to replicate what our forebears achieved during pre-colonial times, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and now 4th republics and then against the military, I dare say considerably more considering all the tools inherent in social media. We all took to it enthusiastically shedding off our toga of lethargy symptomatic of years being constantly betrayed by successive politicians and then the military class.
This was an alternative platform for these erstwhile side-lined generations to take centre stage and not only ventilate their views but make it count and count we surely did. Facebook, twitter amongst several online applications became a platform and tools we used, it became an arena where we strived and made our voices heard, we challenged the status quo and used it to galvanise demographic inertia. Demonstrations and protests organised, driven and led by charismatic individuals and groups of people, a new hybrid was born the “Social Media activist”or permit me to use the sobriquet I coined for them “iPad activist”An in-depth and cerebral appraisal of the term “Ipad Activist” in subsequent opinion piece.
Even though the appellation sounds contrived which I hold my hands up to say it certainly is, we cannot argue with the initial overall results. Social Media brought in its wake online business start-ups, Political careers were fostered and nurtured, rise of smart young Nigerian Netpreneurs contextually within a country with severally jaundiced economy on life support. As admirable as Social Media has been in this regard, it has also created and fostered ensuing but less admired and malevolent situation which we are presently in the throes of.
The troubling and morally flawed side of social media is the inherent abuse and exploitative nature it is being deployed for presently by self-appointed and self-regulated custodians.
No more is Social Media a symbol of revolution and Political freedom and reform, one for awareness and platform for the occupy and hash tag generation a voice for side-lined and maligned youth demographic, now it is being used for and in aid of what and who it initially set out to confront ie corrupt Politicians and rent seekers. During the Ekiti elections updates i was aghast and dismayed reading tweets concocted out of outright falsehood, erroneous reportage all in service to Political paymasters.
The vaunting arrogance and denial of partisan Political participation justified by gerontocracy amongst the old guard now replaced with Social Media activist’s perceived intellectual arrogance, they intellectually micro manage their minions they will haughtily tell you how to think, who to vote for or support, what to say. You dare not critique them or run against their prevailing train of opinions or you will be hounded to the innermost depths, the very vices we witnessed and rejected in the older generations which we sought to out rightly reject now taking pride of place amongst present generation.
Politicians ever resourceful identified this promise of a cheap but effective way to reach out to a mass populace, especially the youth demographic who make up a sizeable number of voting demographic. They invaded social media and either recruited or induced many of our Social Media/iPad activists.
While Politicians can be pardoned for simply plying their trade and will look for any avenue of least resistance and most rewards to do so if it presents itself, the disappointment lie with the generation of Nigerians who have lent themselves as a ready tool to propagate these geriatric moral degenerate’s absurd ideals.
Where we formerly had young men and women of sound moral convictions, those who fearlessly used Social Media as a tool to confront and fight nefarious and ignoble practises wherever they encountered them, now they use it selectively. They side step and ignore blatant cases of moral infractions while going all out to highlight others, mostly depending on the Politically exposed individual(s) involved. Absurdities are justified while good intentions are craftily slanted as implied malevolence, all towards parochial interests.
Social Media activists dutifully queue behind Political pay masters and compliantly parrot whatever line they are commanded to, it is not just an emerging pattern but predictable and consistent. Most if not all of them exhibit very little independent initiative a consistent pattern of their articles, tweets and postings shows a tightly enforced pack on a leash. Their circle has now become a cesspool of immoral dalliances no more pretence to objectivity and dispassionate discourse. I have heard of individuals being subject to bullying and abuse, for expressing contrary views.A paradox considering basic concept of social media is to bring about selfless socio political leverage.
Social media a platform this generation ought to utilise for demographic empowerment, a tool to be used in aggregation of Political influence and aligning forces as leverage to take over from the old generation is now being used by self-indulgents as an avenue to repeatedly propagate tired and frankly vacuous Political rhetoric.
The dire implications of this is already inherent and becoming more pronounced by the day, a wide chasm exists now and getting wider between activists and Nigerian youths ,there is a palpable and burgeoning distrust between formerly enthusiastic youth demographic, and those individuals they are looking up to on Social Media as moral compass. The Nigerian youth on these platforms exhibit Cynism and deep seated distrust by their lack lustre and complacent response to political participation outside of Social media.
Searching questions must be pondered upon
- Why is it a seeming impossible task for an activist/twitter overlord (social media influencers) to successfully mobilise paltry 10% of their followers outside social media sphere?
- Why is social media follower-ship and sphere of influence not translating into real electoral votes at the ballot boxes?
- Why have the various youth empowerment and political participation initiatives fronted and supported by many of these social media influencers not been as successful as hoped for?
These are pertinent questions which requires deep thoughts and instructive introspection
While fairness demands a presumption of innocence and altruistic motives, nevertheless it will be irresponsible to ignore the obvious regression in value system, the erosion of trust and advent of lethargy beclouding youth demographic must be arrested and acted upon before another generation is swallowed up in the foreboding vastness.
Parochial interest and sectional considerations must be set to one side, our sense of patriotism and base moral convictions must be re-ignited.
If old spent Politicians, rent seekers even fifth columnists across the divide irrespective of gender tribe or religious affiliation can be united in wholesale looting of the treasury, avarice surely the Social Media activists, youth representatives and other influencers and influential individuals can replicate this?
If we have failed to heed the warning signs boldly obvious upon the social tapestry and proactively act to bridge the eroded trust reservoir then what importance do we attach to that rhetoric of change we keep chanting ?
Olubunmi Olaniyan works in the IT sector in west midlands UK as a software testing analyst in JHC LLP and is a a writer , social commentator and budding entrepreneur. He studied in the University of Salford Manchester for his BSc in politics with Criminology and Postgraduate in Coventry University obtaining an MA in terrorism international crime and global security
Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija.
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