by ‘Ifreke Inyang
Today on Twitter, Pastor Tony Rapu, the Senior Pastor of This Present House Church in Lekki, shared some really important tips for married men.
From ‘chasing her again’ to ‘forgoing a football game to go to an event with her’, the articulate man of God dealt with a lot of issues that will surely help couples.
Here’s what his timeline looked like:
I will be posting a new series of tweets on #MarriedMen from 3pm today Sunday 13th. Stay tuned.
When you marry, you’ve entered something that was invented by God. #MarriedMen
Tell your wife “thank you” for all the cooking, washing, cleaning and even making the bed. #MarriedMen
Why not take some of the heavy load your wife is carrying off her shoulders. #MarriedMen
If you’re determined to run marriage your own way, you’ll be in trouble because marriage is God’s idea. #MarriedMen
It was not the ‘village elders’ who came up with marriage. It was God. He Himself officiated at the first wedding. #MarriedMen
Once you’re married you’re married. #MarriedMen
Your wife has to take priority above work and business and pleasure. #MarriedMen
Your wife has the power to set the direction of your entire life. #MarriedMen
If your marriage is strong, even with trouble all around you, it won’t matter. You will be able to move out in strength. #MarriedMen
If your marriage is messed up and everything else is great, it won’t matter. You will be moving out in weakness. #MarriedMen
Your wife’s words are so powerful she can actually overturn negative things said about you. #MarriedMen
The love and affirmation of your wife has the power to heal many of your deepest wounds. #MarriedMen
If all in the world say you’re ugly but your wife says you’re beautiful, you’ll feel beautiful. #MarriedMen
Stop complaining about your wife to your mother. #MarriedMen
Conflicts in marriage are inevitable. Resolving them is a part of the process of bonding with your wife.#MarriedMen
Be the man. The #MarriedMan
Talk to your wife. #MarriedMen
Make eye contact with your wife. #MarriedMen
Let your wife talk. #MarriedMen
Sit down and listen to your wife. Just listen. #MarriedMen
Saying “I love you” to your wife is good, but showing it is even better. #MarriedMen
Remember love is not just what you say, it’s what you do. #MarriedMen
To your wife, a kiss actually says more than a 1000 “I love you’s “.#MarriedMen
Stop taking out your frustrations on your wife. #MarriedMen
Stop dumping your work issues and problems on your wife at night. #MarriedMen
Speak to your wife as your equal. #MarriedMen
Please treat your wife with some respect. #MarriedMen
Brag about your wife in public. #MarriedMen
Your wife is not inferior and should not be made to feel so. #MarriedMen
Please leave your parents out of your marriage. She didn’t marry your father. #MarriedMen
Treating your wife as the ‘weaker vessel’ does not mean treating her as an inferior vessel. #MarriedMen
The bible says your prayers will be bouncing back from the ceiling when you don’t treat your wife with respect (1 Peter 3:7) #MarriedMen
If you use all the water in the tank and leave none for her, that’s not love. #MarriedMen
Enjoy life with your wife. #MarriedMen
Sacrifice a football game to go to an event that your wife enjoys. #MarriedMen
Spend a weekend at a hotel with your wife. #MarriedMen
Stop shouting at your wife. She can hear you. #MarriedMen
Be a spiritual leader not a spiritual dominator. #MarriedMen
Submission from your wife is easier when the one she is submitting to loves her enough to sacrifice his life for her. #MarriedMen
To keep bringing up old issues of what your wife did in the past is not loving as Christ loved. #MarriedMen
The man is the head of the house but Christ is the head of the man. #MarriedMen
We’re told to love our wives as Christ loves the Church. He gave Himself. Give yourself to your wife. #MarriedMen
Stop saying” you’re always” or” you never”. It comes out as judgmental and condemning. #MarriedMen
Remember you said “until death do us part”. God doesn’t take that lightly. #MarriedMen
Stop acting like a paramount ruler or village chief. You’re still a husband #MarriedMen
Adultery of the heart is one of the most common problems among #MarriedMen.
You can’t lead your wife anywhere you yourself haven’t been. #MarriedMen
You can’t expect to lead your wife spiritually if you’re not pursuing God yourself. #MarriedMen
Grab your wife’s hand and ask her how you can pray for her. #MarriedMen
Read a book together with your wife. A book in the bible is a good idea. #MarriedMen
Stop flirting with your wife’s girlfriends. #MarriedMen
Find a pet name for your wife. Honey. Sweetheart. Baby. Darling. #MarriedMen
Don’t call your wife mummy. She is not your mum. #MarriedMen
Wash the dishes for your wife sometimes. #MarriedMen
Look into your wife’s eyes. #MarriedMen
Make your wife happy. If she’s happy, you will be happy. #MarriedMen
Greet your wife first before you greet the children. #MarriedMen
Stroke your wife’s hair. #MarriedMen
Leave your mobile phone and bond with your wife. #MarriedMen
Intimacy goes beyond sexuality. #MarriedMen
Your wife is “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Learn some anatomy and even physiology. #MarriedMen
Hold hands with your wife. Rub her shoulders. #MarriedMen
Learn how to agree to disagree with your wife. #MarriedMen
No two people will ever agree on everything. It’s ok. Have guidelines for managing conflict with your wife. #MarriedMen
Stop fighting with your wife over money. #MarriedMen
Don’t resent your wife’s family. #MarriedMen
Respect your wife’s father. He brought her up. #MarriedMen
Your wife wants her feelings to be understood. #MarriedMen
Don’t rush to try and fix your wife’s problems. Listen to her first. #MarriedMen
Consult with your wife before you make those big decisions. #MarriedMen
Discuss with your wife before you make expensive purchases. #MarriedMen
Understand what your wife means when she says, “Don’t touch me at night if you didn’t speak to me during the day”. #MarriedMen
Your wife really wants to connect with you. #MarriedMen
‘Chase’ your wife again. #MarriedMen
Why are you so stressed out? #MarriedMen
Working on your marriage is also the man’s job. #MarriedMen
Don’t be lazy with your love for your wife. #MarriedMen
If you can do all these things, you’re not human, you’re an angel #MarriedMen
Nice list to help men and women bridge a communication gap…