
Ikeja City Mall management releases press statement over fire incident

by Isi Esene

With regards to the fire incident which happened at the Ikeja Shopping Mall earlier today, the management of the facility have released a press statement about the details of the incident and efforts being made to return the situation back to normalcy.

It reads thus:

The management of the Ikeja City Mall is very grateful to the great people of Lagos State and the emergency services that responded to the fire incident that occurred this morning (15 January 2013) at about 11:15 in one of the stores, Mr. Price.
The fire, according to Mr. Steve Idornigie the Operations Manager of the ICM, Mr. Price store manager reported the incident to him and emergency staff responded immediately.
On what caused the fire, Mr. Steve said from preliminary investigations, it seems the fire emanated from an electric power point. However investigations, he said, are ongoing to ascertain the cause of the fire.

“The process of evacuation was swift,” he said. “The customers conducted themselves in an orderly fashion and allowed the emergency services people to do their work.”

“In terms of damage, no goods were lost neither was anyone injured. However some clothes got wet as a result of the water from the men of the Federal Fire Service. We would like to thank them for their professionalism and valiance, along with the men of Lagos State Emergency Service, National Emergency Agency, the Lagos State Traffic Management Agency and the Civil Defense.”
Mr. Idornigie assured the customers and tenants that Ikeja City Mall would be reopened for business at 3pm today.

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  1. Please correct the post. The picture you displayed and the story do not tally. It is at the City Mall in Lagos island that the incident happened and not Ikeja Shopping Mall. Regards

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