
Mina Ogbanga: The power of positive consistency (Y! FrontPage)

by Mina Ogbanga

minaogbanga as Pres (1)

Consistency is also about innovation, doing something the same way and expecting a different result is has its negative ripple effect. So here, consistency is about seeking other better ways of doing things for which you get other better results.

I recall a discourse I once had with a friend of mine who experienced such ease in pregnancy and delivery that we referred to her as doing better than the biblical Hebrew women.

This was due to the fact that she progressed from labor to having her baby in almost no time. One minute it was “Mimi, talk to you later, its labor time” and the next minute “it’s a girl!”

It was a delight to witness such grace upon her and I just had to ask why the nine-month process which proved to be a nightmare for many women was such a seamless process for her.

To my question my friend gave me her usual smile and said “My dear I cannot even explain myself, its grace”. To this I replied that grace always came with a measure of effort from human beings and that I wanted to know her top ten tips for handling the rigours of pregnancy.

To my utter surprise my friend replied by saying “Walking like Johnnie Walker”.  She continued “Mimi, I spent nine months of a critical period of my life walking…not just starting in a day and stopping for at least 10 minutes everyday, I did brisk and proper walking. It was the only exercise I could manage at the time and to maximally enjoy the benefits, I did it consistently and here I am not so sure it was the only thing that helped but definitely sure it contributed.”

Walking is of course not the answer to all pregnancy woes but attempting to do something to ease the process is better than sitting idly by and leaving your fate to chance . Now while this is no prenatal class,the lessons are invaluable. You are what you consistently do. This is not about a reactive culture, it is about a culture of consistency in addressing issues proactively and preparing ahead for unforeseen situations.

Consistency is also about innovation, doing something the same way and expecting a different result is has its negative ripple effect. So here, consistency is about seeking other better ways of doing things for which you get other better results.

In our nation today, sometimes I look around and wonder at what things we have been able to innovatively turn around for the betterment of the citizens, there appears to be just a few. Or maybe many I’m yet to realize because for over 50 years,the power situation is basically just starting to receive some power,weather this transition will work, per privatization etc. will be see in action. What about another life’s basic need like water? Till date i still wonder at why we have the Ministry of Water as everyone appears to be micro Ministries of Water.

There has been an intense effort to consistently maintain the status quo of archaism and old fashionism. In the situation where sectors like technology are yet to buy into certain technological revolution,you begin to wonder. The list can go on and on.

Different leaders same attitude? The larger community in some settings also do not help matters as once a kinsman is occupying a certain position,you are somewhat expected to ‘deliver the good’ now that it is your turn and before you know it,you are being taunted by your own people for ‘not performing’. There then becomes a very thin line between integrity and it’s opposite.

As I always say “The returns of doing the right things at a relatively right time and with relatively right motives, does not go without paying off handsomely”. If you are in a leadership position, it still is apparent that posterity is the ultimate paymaster irrespective of if your conscience played it’s role as being your greatest ‘thermometer’ to help you measure right from wrong.

Impacting on lives positively, pursuing integrity, leading with foresight and pursuing plans for the betterment of your constituency is still with its own honor. Many a leaders have left their primary roles of citizens support etc. to uncarinly pursuing self interest how this plays out in future, time will tell. The nation has great individuals who collectively can do even better. Will this group be willing and ready to stand up and change the nation for the better? Time again will tell.

Happy new month people, how about starting the month with thinking of one thing you would like to do differently and consistently? The time to start is now.



Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija.

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