Parents of sick UK baby Charlie Gard agree to let him die

Parents of terminally ill baby Charlie Gard have given up their legal fight over getting a possible treatment for their son in the United States, saying his condition had deteriorated too far for any possible recovery, CNN reports.

According to Grant Armstrong their lawyer, experts have said that the “window of opportunity no longer exists, for Charlie, it is too late … treatment cannot offer a chance of success,” he told the High Court U.K. Scans were presented before the court showing Charlie’s muscular condition had deteriorated so much that treatment would no longer work.

Charlie’s mother, Connie Yates told the court; “We have decided to let our son go, Charlie did have a real chance of getting better. Now we will never know what would have happened if he got treatment”. According to reports, Charlie Gard was born with mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome, a genetic disease that weakens muscles and function of organs. He had been on life support, unable to breathe or move. Charlie would have been 1 year old on August 4.

President Trump and Pope Francis supported and campaigned for baby Charlie to be brought to the United States to receive experimental therapy offered by Michio Hirano, a professor of neurology at New York’s Columbia University Medical Center. Doctor Hirano had said there was a 10 percent chance his nucleoside therapy could improve the condition of the boy, and there was a small, significant chance it could aid brain functions.

A spokesman for the Vatican, said the Pope was praying for the family and that he “feels especially close to them at this time of immense suffering”.

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