House Speaker Paul Ryan has berated congressional Democrats for their ploy to the Harvey aid with a short-term debt ceiling. He called it disgraceful and accused them of paying politics while warning it could put the storm aid at risk.
The move which was against GOP leaders’ proposition of a longer debt ceiling increase spurred Ryan to frown at House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer’s motion to attach only a three-month increase in the debt ceiling.
Calling the proposal unworkable, the Speaker said, “To play politics with the debt ceiling like Schumer and Pelosi apparently are doing, I don’t think is a good idea. It could put in jeopardy the kind of Hurricane response we need to have”.
Though the vote on Harvey aid would receive an unanimous support owing to the damage caused by Harvey, but a short term debt ceiling would not afford government the required fund necessary to solve the remains of Harvey, brace for another storm, Hurricane Irma rushing towards Florida and meet other government bills.
Rep. Tom Cole, (R-Okla) while speaking to Fox news said, “It’s not going to be appreciated. That doesn’t mean it won’t pass. People don’t like to be blackmailed.”
“The tactic is a charade, why not attach the debt ceiling in the first place?”, a senior House member who spoke under anonymity said.
The Trump administration, riding on the advice of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had asked Congress to raise the debt limit by Sept. 29 along Harvey aid package to keep the federal government from defaulting on its bills.
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