Tag: wound

Uduak Oduok: No Ma’am, Chimamanda Adichie’s use of “F__k you” on TV is NOT free speech

by Uduak Oduok Let’s separate the two issues. The choice of language is not the issue. The appropriate forum for such a language is the issue. In my world at…

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DON’T say it! 8 ‘words’ that can kill a man’s self-esteem

by Marcus Osborne All we ever want to do is make you happy. It may not always seem like it, but generally that’s where most guys’ heart lies. For most guys,…

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Pastor allegedly murders wife, wounds daughter, tries to stab self to death

A prominent Alabama pastor fatally shot his wife and wounded their 18-year-old daughter in their church-owned home before grabbing a kitchen knife and trying to stab himself to death, police…

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