
10 things you SHOULD know about the new STD superbug

by Tutu Akinlabi

new std superbug maggots in vagina-YNaija

Reports of a newly discovered Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) that is resistant to treatment have recently emerged.

[READ: OMG! Doctors remove maggots from lady’s vagina after contracting STDs (DON’T WATCH)]

The new strain of Gonorrhea is said to be resistant to antibiotics and might even be worse than the Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

Scientists have revealed research about the bug and here are 10 things you should know about the new disease.

1, The bacteria causing it is more aggressive than others

2, It will affect more people and quickly

3, Getting this kind of STD would put a person into septic shock

4, Death could occur within days of contracting the disease

5, It is VERY dangerous

6, It’s medical name is HO41, a strain of Gonorrhea

7, It was discovered in Japan two years ago


8, The first patient was a 31-year-old female sex worker who was screened in 2009

9, The strain has been placed in the superbug category with other resistant bacteria.

10, It falls in the same category with diseases such as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and  Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) which have killed at least half of the people they have attacked.



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  1. Jeez loueez ,I just lost my freaking appetite

  2. please check your facts properly because AIDS is 98% deadly if untreated an only 1% of those who get gonorrhea are at risk of death, its major problem is is that it is very resistance to antibacterial so i will add this prevention is better than cure and especially for STDs, abstinence is the best form of prevention

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