4 and a half things you can do to make your 2013 happy and bright

by Jesse L. Ford for Reach For Happy

View it as already received and feel the emotion that comes with that – gratitude, joy, happiness. Really feel it. Make everyday from now a day of faith. Be a person of faith.

2012 has been a great year, an interesting one full of surprises and just like every year, full of new things. 2013 is a new year and every new year brings possibilities. Rationalize it this way, a huge door opens up with unlimited possibilities and you can walk in and take what you want. That’s a fact.

Every new year brings possibilities and opportunities that can change your life in a second. There is one thing you should know at this time and keep with you; it is that you are a co-creator with the Universe. You create the circumstances, experiences, and events that you experience. Assuming you have not been doing so purposely, but rather doing it unconsciously like most people, now is the time to tap into your personal power and create the life you want.

There are four and a half processes that you should adopt and utilize which will make your 2013 happy and bright. That is what you want? Right.

# 1 Process: Forgiveness
Now is the time to let go of hurts, pain, bitterness, disappointments, and regrets. Someone once said that forgiveness is giving up on the hope that the past could have been any different. That’s powerful! Wrap up the past and declare that it is the only way it could have happened, no other way. Forgive and let it go. Forgive people who have wronged you so that you can be forgiven as well. Have peace in your heart towards the past, towards people, and towards the future.

# 2 Process: Creating Mental Images and Visualization
Create a list of the things you want in your life complete with details. Create a mental image of the things you want and put yourself in the picture. Visualize yourself in the picture with the things you want to
have in your life. Believe you have received them . In your visualization, always dwell on the end result.

# 3 Process: Love – Loving Yourself and Loving Others
You have often heard that love is an action word. That is true. A powerful process to make your life happier and brighter in 2013 is love. Let’s start with you. Love yourself, love everything about your life. Cherish your uniqueness, your vision, your goals, your mind, your body, everything. Come to terms with who you are as a person and truly love yourself. Then love others. Wish others well and let the emotions and actions of your heart towards others always be with love. It will powerfully create happiness and bring wonderful things into your life.

#4 Process: Gratitude
Gratitude can be defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. It is also known as thankfulness. When you are grateful, it opens the door for more to come
into your life. When you are thankful for where you are now and for the good things you experience, it brings more good things into your life. When you have a heart of gratitude, it brings more into your life and more frequently as well.

It is recommended that you start a gratitude journal where you write down and keep track of things you are thankful for. Writing in your gratitude journal daily is highly recommend. Psychologists have traced and documented the benefits of gratitude in general and a gratitude journal in particular. Some of the benefits are: better sleep, fewer symptoms of disease, and more happiness. Do not forget to show gratitude to people as well.

#4 and a Half Process: Faith
Why I categorize faith as half of a process is because it is part of the process of creating mental images and visualization. You cannot get the things you want without faith. Remember what Jesus said? When you ask for things, believe that you have received them and you will have them. So for everything you want, ask for it, you create a mental image of it, believe you have received it and during your visualization, see it as already accomplished.

View it as already received and feel the emotion that comes with that – gratitude, joy, happiness. Really feel it. Make everyday from now a day of faith. Be a person of faith.

It would do you a lot of good to refer to this article now and throughout 2013, print it out and read it often. Use these processes and enjoy a happy and bright 2013.


Jesse Ford is a developer, author, and publisher. His interest and expertise is new thought, spirituality, personal development, and utilizing your inner power. Visit www.reachforhappy.com to get more information, tools, and resources that can guide and help you to create  a brighter, happier, and more fulfilling life.


Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija.


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