
75 percent of Americans don’t trust information from the White House – Report

With six months into his tenure, President Donald Trump’s overall approval rating stands at its lowest point in CNN polling, as 75 percent of Americans say they can’t trust most of what they hear from the White House.

Unlike his two predecessors, Barack Obama and George Bush, President Trump has hit an all time low in approval rating in six months at the helm.

Overall, 38% say they approve of Trump’s handling of the presidency while 56% disapproves. Only former President Bill Clinton has held an approval rating below 50% at this point, with his approval rating standing at 44% at this point in 1993.

Nearly half of respondents in the new poll say they strongly disapprove of Trump’s handling of the job (47%), while just a quarter say they feel strongly positive about Trump’s performance (24%).

Among Republicans, Trump’s approval has dropped from 73% in February to 59% now. Among whites who do not have college degrees, a core component of Trump’s base, just 35% strongly approve, down 12 points since February.

At the same time, strong disapproval among Democrats has held steady around 80%.

On cogent issues, the President’s approval ratings largely drifted negative. And perceptions of the President as someone who will bring change are fading. Just 43% say Trump can “bring the kind of change the country needs,” down from 48% in April, and the share who say he “can manage the government effectively” now stands at 39%, down from 44% in April.

Concerning the information coming from the White House. Only 24% say they trust all or most of what they hear in official communications from the White House, while more (30%) say they trust “nothing at all” that they hear from the President’s office. (Even among Republicans, only about half say they can trust most of what they hear from the White House.)

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