Animal: Man beats his grandma to death in her flat over $175, then sleeps with prostitute (PICTURED)


Larry Davis is on trial for beating and choking his 76-year-old grandmother, Cora Davis, to death.

 A Harlem man beat and choked his 76-year-old grandmother to death, packed her body into a closet and then hooked up with a prostitute in the same apartment, a prosecutor said Thursday at the onset of a murder trial.

Larry Davis killed his grandmother, Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Matthew Bogdanos charged, because she wouldn’t give him $175.

Cora Davis's grandson allegedly beat her to death because she refused to give him $175. 

Cora Davis’s grandson allegedly beat her to death because she refused to give him $175.

Bogdanos said Cora Davis suffered a broken neck and at least eight bruises on her skull in the March 2011 attack.

Defense attorney Bryan Konoski suggested Cora Davis’ heart condition could have been a factor.

Read more: Daily News

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