by Adaobi Okwy
Pirates wear eye patches so they can see in the dark. How? When they go to a lower deck with poor lighting, they can remove the patch and see better with that eye since it’s used to the dark, whereas the other eye would take several minutes to adjust to the change in light.
2) Google founders were willing to sell google to Excite for under $1million in 1999 but Excite turned them down.
3) If you shuffle a deck of cards, chances are that the new order of playing cards has never existed before.
4) J.P Morgan once offered $100,000 to anyone who could figure out why his face was so red. No one ever did.
5) Fleas can jump up to 200 times their height. This is equivalent to a man jumping the Empire State Building in New York
6) Pirates wear eye patches so they can see in the dark. How? When they go to a lower deck with poor lighting, they can remove the patch and see better with that eye since it’s used to the dark, whereas the other eye would take several minutes to adjust to the change in light. 7) A 2009 search for the mysterious and elusive Loch Ness monster came up empty. Scientists however, found over 100,000 golf balls.
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8) The beavers’ teeth never stops growing, so they must constantly gnaw on objects to keep them at a manageable length. Their teeth would eventually grow into their brain if they didn’t maintain them. 9) Your body replaces every particle in your body every seven years. Therefore, you are literally not the same person you were, 7 years ago.
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10) Calvin Klein’s “Obsession for Men”, is used by researchers to attract animals to camera in the wilderness.
Adaobi Okwy blogs at Adaobi
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