
The Media Blog: Has Donald Trump finally launched Trump TV?

We saw it and we wondered too.

Just before the last United Stated presidential debate began after midnight our time. Donald Trump launched an owned content platform – via Facebook Live.

Politico notes what stands out about this.

1. The viewers who came
But on Donald Trump’s Facebook page, which had already livestreamed a pre-debate show, followed by the debate itself for a little fewer than 200,000 people, and a post-debate program full of panels, pre-recorded bits and complete with anchors and all the other trappings of a news program, an alternate reality was being established.

2. Three hours of programming
Proclaiming itself an antidote to the “mainstream media” which Trump has said is guilty of tipping the scales of this election against Trump and the American people and in favor of a Clintonocracy, the nearly three hours of programming on Facebook cycled through Trump surrogates, family members and former Apprentice cast members, all of whom praised Trump endlessly.

3. Proper hosts
Two hosts from a conservative online media network, Right Side Broadcasting Network, hosted the pre- and post- debate show, on which the common refrain was: “The mainstream media is against us.” Another common refrain following Trump: “By far his best debate. A clear and decisive victory.” Jeff Dewitt, one of the hosts, declared it “the greatest Republican debate performance since Abraham Lincoln.”

4. Advert breaks
The livestream “news” report appeared to “break” for pro-Trump advertisements and repeatedly asked for campaign donations, and it featured exclusively Trump surrogates and his family members, along with several former contestants of “The Apprentice.”
Ivanka Trump made an appearance in a call for campaign donations before the debate, and both Eric and Donald Trump Jr. appeared afterward to talk about what they thought was a decisive win for their father.

5. More guests
The post-debate show also featured cameos from The Blaze show host Tomi Lahren and Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro, which could signal the types of personalities who might be on a more permanent media venture if Trump loses in November.

6. And finally that dodgy answer from his media entrepreneur campaign chair, who will most certainly be leading on this investment if it happens.
Rumors have swirled about a Trump TV venture that could emerge if Republican nominee Donald Trump loses the election in November. Skeptics have painted a dark picture for the business prospects of any new cable news networks, but large- scale digital media companies are still attracting significant capital and making significant revenue; it remains to be seen how much longevity they will have.

On Wednesday, Trump campaign CEO and former Breitbart chairman Steve Bannon said of the rumors: “Trump is an entrepreneur.”


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