‘She wrote fiction’ – Onanuga urges Biden to discard Chimamanda’s letter

Bayo Onanuga, the media director of the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential campaign council, has called on US President Joe Biden to dismiss the letter written to him by Nigerian novelist, Chimamanda Adichie. Adichie had written a letter to President Biden, alleging manipulation in Nigeria’s 2023 presidential election. She claimed that the election was marred by discrepancies and irregularities that were overlooked by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

In the letter, Adichie accused INEC Chairman, Mahmood Yakubu of hastily announcing Bola Tinubu of the APC as the winner of the election without investigating reports of irregularities. She asked President Biden to uphold his stance on the need for true democracy, adding that congratulating Tinubu would tarnish America’s self-proclaimed commitment to democratic processes.

However, Onanuga has dismissed Adichie’s claims, calling her letter “tales by the moonlight” and suggesting that she was inspired by the loss of her tribesman, Peter Obi. In a tweet, he urged President Biden to discard the letter once it reaches his desk, adding that Adichie’s allegations are a figment of her imagination.

“Tales by the moonlight… She wrote fiction, inspired by the monumental loss of her tribesman Peter Obi,” Onanuga wrote.

It is worth noting that Tinubu won the presidential election with 8,794,726 votes, while Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) had 6,984,520 votes and Obi of the Labour Party (LP) polled 6,101,533. Obi and Atiku have since filed petitions at the tribunal challenging the outcome of the presidential election.

As the political drama in Nigeria unfolds, it remains to be seen whether President Biden will heed Onanuga’s call to discard Adichie’s letter, or whether he will take it into account in shaping his foreign policy towards Nigeria.

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