by Azubuike Azikiwe
“Many pastors are practicing occultism in the church.” Those are the shocking revelations made by Apostle Anselm Madubuko, the General Overseer of Revival Assembly Church.
In a recent interview with Yes Magazine, Madubuko disclosed that many pastors are simply actors, who fake and forge testimonies to get money and power.
He said, “It is painful for me to see what so many pastors are doing. So many of them are practising occultism in the church. They do all this for the love of money, power, for fame and they have compromised their faith. They are acting films on the pulpit, forging miracles and faking testimonies and unfortunately, people are falling victims”.
Madubuko, while failing to mention names, said that the pastors take advantage of their congregation’s problems to exploit them financially.
“They talk about Jonathan’s success, claiming they are responsible for it. These people may know your problems, but they don’t have the solutions, because they are not from God. They use and take advantage of your problems to siphon you and that is the most painful aspect. But for all the true servants of God who are genuinely called by God, I pray that God would keep them and give them the power to establish more churches, because we don’t have enough churches yet. We are over 150 million people. So, we need more churches to cater for the souls that are perishing”.
that is why we must know the Truth by studying our Bible and abiding by her command
I pray God arrest them.
End Time has come and gone. according to book of Daniel 9:25-26. Hmm, just afraid of those that still waiting for End-Time. we are now in the era of Grace, so anything can happen, for me, I’m expecting Christ at any minute of the day! May the Holy Ghost inspire you more.
Comment:it well
Am not supprice with this confession because I have already figure out a lot of them since but who am I to judge? I only stop going to those so-called churches and discourage any one closs to me of going their but if they persits I let them go. I pray that God will continue to arrests them one-by-one in Jesus name
its not new.
And that is how keep building build big churches.
Good observation
I will not mention name but am sure the pastor belongs
Hmmmmm. well said pastors. all this pentecostal churches. let me shut up.
May hell rain on them.
Pentecostal churches too.
May God forgive them. they think God is a joke.
Signs of end time.
Yes. especially these white garments churches.
The bible himself has confirmed it.
Peope will do anything for money.
Signs of the endtime.