by Dr. Soyombo Ayomikun
He rammed into me . Like a bull gone mad . Sweating & panting. Like an evil truck pusher. Desecrating the clefts between my legs .His sweat mixing with my tears
1. He rammed into me
Like a bull gone mad
Sweating & panting
Like an evil truck pusher
Desecrating the clefts between my legs
His sweat mixing with my tears
2. I screamed & struggled
As a ant would against an elephant
He slapped me, jerking on
As if dancing to a music from hell
I gave up fighting becoming limp
He,continuing,let out groans of pleasure
3. Suddenly the pounding ceased
The scent of sweat, tears & blood enveloping me
He staggered up, latching on his belt
His eyes revealing hard earned victory
He was a graying man of fifty-three years
I, a budding girl of ten
4. He warned me not to tell anyone
With fear I nodded severally in agreement
That night my childhood got murdered
With none around to fight my cause
Behind the drapes I got raped
By a man supposed to be my father
5. I hated men from that night
Including those appearing as angels
I even stabbed one the other day
He was just being too nice
That got me into a psychiatric rehab
The drugs could not just heal my wounds
6. The church heard about the rape
Following which conclusion was that father got possessed
The police that should help with justice
Got shooed away with gifts of bloody money
Deliverance was done for him for months
Then a night came when right at my door I again saw him smiling
7. Can’t somebody just incarcerate this animal
Helping fight my dark battle
It seems like my heart is already scarred beyond healing
But another soul out there could be saved
From these roving evil spirits gone wild
Seeking one more soft hymen to tear
8. I have tasted the grapes of rape
Terribly sour,burning like acid
It burnt my innocence,smiles & sensibility
Transforming me into a very mad soul
I pity men that try smiling at me
As the scent of men fuel my madness some more
9. I am Nigeria
Daily being severely raped by your leaders
Please jail the rapists of this land
The rapists of its beautiful virgins
Jail the monsters consuming our women
Justice I cry for,that I may smile again
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