Tag: oats

You need this: 5 brain foods that help you focus

by Shikha Desai Fiber present in oats keeps our brain sharper for long 1. Eggs Eggs are a great source pf protein and amino acids and are great for your…

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9 mistakes you should NEVER make with breakfast

by  Renita Tisha Pinto  Buffets and large breakfast spreads could make you eat more than you need. 1: Juicing your fruit  When you start your blender to juice oranges, remember that…

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10 foods proven to burn fat

by Anna Fleet Drinking green tea is often credited for helping people lose weight thanks to a compound within called EGCG, which temporarily speeds metabolism. Maybe you already knew that…

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Top 6 foods that keep you feeling full

from Real Buzz Research has shown that eating an apple 20 minutes prior to a eating a meal reduces the amount you eat during that meal. How full did you…

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