by Dolapo Amusat
While we all naturally want to be perceived as ‘smart’, ‘intellectual’ and such, I have recently realised the beauty of being stupid. Really, I’m not even kidding at all. Being stupid is fun. In fact, being stupid is smart. You’ll see how. Ride along, dumbos, as I take you on an intellectual journey of stupidity.
For one, when you’re stupid, you’re free. I think this is the most important edge stupid people have over smart people like me. They’re free from unnecessary burdens, free from issues that don’t concern them. Really, what’s my business with the world’s economy? Or Theology? None, but I choose to concern myself with such things. Sometimes, I spend precious hours of my time, thinking about things as mundane as the Mona Lisa, The Cannonical Gospels and such. Imagine! This is unlike stupid people, who spend their time wisely on things that benefit their lives, like gossips, celebrities’ lives, and so on. See how stupid people are smarter than us?
Two, when you’re stupid, you are less boring and you ultimately have more friends. Look at it: would you like to be friends with someone who would veer off into topics that are pointless, and basically boring during a conversation? Stupid people,more often than not, know the ‘hippy’, ‘trendy’ things at any point in time. They would most likely know what’s happening to Davido, or the colour of Wizkid’s boxers, and such and such. Who wouldn’t want to discuss about those? If you don’t want to lose your friends, just try your best to resist becoming smart. Smartness is a stumbling block to friendship. And you all want friends, don’t you? See why you should remain stupid?
On a third note, stupid people make better politicians. See, when you’re smart, you become too concerned with ideology and other things that aren’t important in the real sense. Stupid people give the people what they want right from the start. From a very funny nickname, to humorous campaigns to predictable plans, which the people love. Smart politicians don’t win. They are painfully boring. They are the ones that give speeches without shouting ‘Gbagba’, ‘Gbogbo’, and such jargons. The fact is that the people want leaders who are like them: proudly stupid. So, ease up on the grammar, ease up on the intricacy, and become what the people want… Stupid.
On to the most obvious point: stupid people are much more successful in music. It’s not obvious? Do a survey, and ask how many people know Mode 9. Then you’ll see.
Or weigh Birdman’s net-worth against NaS’s. Oh, you don’t even know NaS? That serves to prove my point. Smart people make music like their overall aim is to bore you to sleep. Goddamn. Who wants to hear a song with the story narrated backwards, Nasir? Or with the beat sounding like the producer lacked good drums on his FruityLoops. Dafuq? People just want to dance and feel good, stop trying to remind people that they’re stupid on every track. They just won’t listen at all, and you’ll go broke. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Stupid guys get the girls. It’s that simple. No girl wants to hear about Einstein’s Relativity Theory or Dimethyltryptamine or some f*cked up smart sh*t. She-doesn’t-wanna-hear! She doesn’t give a f*ck! Girls want guys that’ll make them happy, not depress them with some nerdy stuff. If you’re looking forward to a relationship, then, start making conscious efforts to be stupid. It’ll help you very much.
On a final note, stupid people make smarter students than smart people. Smart people usually think they know it all, and in the end, they don’t do so well. Stupid people on the other hand, want to learn. They agree that they are stupid, and hence, they do better in school. This is sad, though, but true.
If I haven’t convinced you to be stupid, then you’re probably like me: stuck in the stupidity of smartness forever, and poised to watch stupid people continue ruling the world. And if I have… Enjoy your stupidity, and rule the world.
Don’t be selfish. Let others enjoy it too. Share!
P.S: A few ‘stupid’ memes I found online:
Dolapo Amusat blogs at
Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of Y!/YNaija
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