
TICKER: Is flogging children the Biblical way to correct a child’s behaviour? Join the debate

On one hand, Proverbs 13:24 reads “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them,” and on the other hand, more and more child psychologists argue that spanking is not  an effective method of correcting children’s behaviour. Some child psychologist have even argued that spanking children increases the likelihood that they will grow up to be aggressive adults because the spankings teach them violence.

We asked the question, “Should children be spanked?” on our Facebook Page and the responses are as follows: ( Feel free to respond to the question yourself.)

“Only if you love them!”

“Yeah they should be spanked! Not beat, however.”

“I was spanked, d**n we had to go get our own switches from the tree! i don’t have a criminal record, i have an education and a job. it didn’t ruin me. but i agree [that] you have to explain why the child is be punished.”

“What this tells me is that our children, should know and understand the consequences of their actions so how you discipline your children is up to you not all children need to be disciplined in the same way.”

“Child abuse is a serious issue in this country and I think it is absolutely immoral for someone to try to use Scripture to justify such things! The “rod” doesn’t necessarly have to mean hitting or using violence. That scriptures says “discipline” not hit…and there are many other non-violent ways to discipline children (and no not just time out.) I look at it this way: we’re bigger than our kids, we’re allegedly smarter than our kids…if we don’t hit animals anymore, shouldn’t we treat our children better than animals? I love my daughter, but I elected to raise her by avoiding the use of violent corporal punishment. Why? Because as a child, I was hit to the point of abuse, and I feared that, like my mother, I would become an abuser, too. Just FTR: my daughter is now nearly 30, is a mom herself and has her own business. She turned out ok even though she only got two spankings in her entire life. Thing is: I can look back and see that a swat on the rump probably wouldn’t have hurt her, but I still assert that spanking should be a last resort! Too many parents are slap happy, they lash out first thing instead of using their brains in order to raise children properly. Too many parents hit out of frustration vs genuine discipline.”

“Who are these experts who say that? All I know had it not been for my parents and the switch the belt the ironing cord and the slipper my residence would be prison”

“The rod” reference is to sheep herding. “The rod” is gentle guidance for the sheep herd, not hitting the sheep. Sparing the rod would mean that parents withhold guidance, rather than not hitting their children. The term is misused as a biblical reference over and over. It is not about hitting children. Children should NEVER be hit. They should have discipline and teaching from the parents. The “rod” should be used everyday in gentle guidance!!! NO hitting of children under any circumstance.”

“Absolutely … every child is different …  so if you’re not taking it to the extreme than spanking is ok.. My daughter I never had to spank all I did was give her a look and she knew.. my son he’s a whole other story.. he’s gets spanked. He could care less if u take all his stuff from him”

“We should not be in the habit of hitting our children anytime they do something that’s not right. You will be surprised what a good talking to the child will do to correct the misbehavior. Explain to the child what the consequence could be if that type of misbehavior was to continue. We should not only tell our children that we love them, but show them with our actions.”

“Yea, spank, beat, whop or whatever you wanna call it just do.t abuse them. Talk to them if u may but following God’s instruction – U can’t go wrong. And the Bible do say BEAT.”

“Nothing wrong with tapping that b**t. Not anywhere else and only as discipline.NOT ABUSE ONLY WITH LOVE. Children being abused is an sin before God. Seven of us we all got OLD school spankings. We all are educated, productive working, God fearing adults. The suggestions of sparing the rod speaks directly to some of the social ism’s we as a community face”

“I will take what God says, over Man, any day… :}”

Based on the responses, it is safe to say that all children are different and that should be taken into consideration when correcting their behavior. As for whether or not spanking is a good thing, some say no and for those who say yes, the majority believe it should be in moderation.

Black Blue Dog

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  1. There is a very thin line between discipline and child abuse. Flogging your child is okay. As long as it's done in moderation. Don't beat the child at every occasion. There are other ways to discipline children. Find what works for your child. If you only beat your child, you'll end up raising a crazy and aggressive person. If beatings are too frequent, they become ineffective

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