
Woman arrested for stashing drugs under her fake butt

by Akan Ido

Jill Roy, a Massachusetts woman was arrested by the police for hiding a stash of drugs under a fake butt.

The fake butt enhancement did not, however, deceive a Bourne police officer who wondered why the suspect’s backside felt hard to touch during a routine pat down.

“I don’t have a butt so I wear these and another pair of underwear under it,” Roy told Officer Nicole Bevilacqua while being booked.

The officers noted in a report that the 33-year-old was on probation and has “a very lengthy criminal record” related to illegal narcotics.

Reports say Roy was immediately taken in by the police when a stash of marijuana was found in her car.

She, however, denied ownership of the drugs saying, “That’s not mine, officer, I swear.”

The 33-year-old suspect, Jill Roy, allegedly stashed heroin and pills under two layers of underwear, including one that was a derriere enhancer.

Things got a little worse for Roy when a routine search revealed a bag of pills and heroin hidden in her fake butt.

Roy was booked on a traffic violation and several drug charges, including possession with the intent to distribute.


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