
#YNaijaBBNUpdates: Frodd regrets going for Esther instead of Venita | Reunion Day 20

Host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu decided to focus on yet another lady who had a lot of ‘man drama’ on last night’s episode of the Big Brother Naija ‘Pepper Dem’ Reunion show.

Frodd, Venita and Omashola

Elozonam was asked if he had an idea of what was going on, and his response was that he did notice what was going on between Omashola and Venita, but then, he saw something with Venita and Frodd.

“Everybody knows Omashola was smitten,” he said.

Responding to the same question, Diane noted that Omashola fell in love with Venita from the first day but she(Venita) pulled back because of a certain situation, where Omashola questioned her whereabouts.

The Omashola Response

Giving his own perspective, Omashola described how excited he was when he first saw Venita, stating “she was my spec and everything.” He then narrated the drama that ensued between Venita, Frodd, and himself.

According to his story, he noticed something was going on between Frodd and Venita and had pleaded with Frodd personally to leave her for him. Frodd agreed but his actions were contrary, and he explained how Frodd would hang out with Venita all the time as well as cook for her.

Omashola noted that he felt spited by Frodd’s actions and considered that he was using his power as ‘Head of House’ to take the girl. from him. To counter these moves, Omashola said he concocted a plan to kiss Esther (who Frodd loved at the time) in a drama presentation and his plan worked, leading him to get the reaction he envisaged from Frodd.

The Frodd Version

According to Frodd, he found an ‘angel’ in Venita which made it hard for him to back off at the time. He also mentioned that if he hadn’t developed a wrong perspective, he may have pursued a relationship with her, rather than Esther.

Asked if he thought a relationship with Venita would have been better than with Esther, he relied yes. He said Venita’s feelings were true, while Esther’s was not.

Venita’s Response

Venita’s side of the story was slightly different. She stated that Omashola made his intentions clear but that she didn’t notice the excitement he spoke of, adding that if she did, she would have been more patient in getting to know him.

“I didn’t validate his likeness because it was based on aesthetics,” she concluded.

With Frodd, she admitted having a soft spot for him and would have explored a relationship with him if she didn’t have something else going on outside the house.

Kim Oprah, Jeff and Omashola

Jeff spoke about having feelings for Kim Oprah but knew that she sort of liked Omashola.


Oprah on her part noted that it took her some time to even know Jeff and when she did, she wanted to form an alliance with him.

She added that she got a vibe from him that he liked her and she felt it, although he never mentioned it to her face.

Ebuka then asked Kim if Omashola’s coming into the picture affected her and Jeff. She related it to Venita’s statement about knowledge of Omashola’s intention but didn’t feel the excitement.


Omashola claimed he didn’t push for the relationship because he noticed Kim was with Jeff when he was ‘Head of House’ and alleged that she dumped him immediately he left the position.

Kim denied this, stressing that she left Jeff because he was lagging at a time she was looking for a strong alliance.

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cool good eh love2 cute confused notgood numb disgusting fail